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  National Conference 1998    
"Seaweeds, Syngnathids and Seashores"
Marine Conservation through Education

Portsea, Victoria
February 13 -16 1998

Conference Papers

The aim of the conference was to provide marine and coastal educators with practical strategies to effect sustainable long-term use and conservation of our coastal and marine habitats and the life they support.

Conference presenters provided examples of "best practice programs in community and schools marine education" from throughout Australia.



Allen, T.J.,
Warming Australia to Cool Southern Seas
Jim Bowler
Seashores & Middens
Professor Margaret Clayton
Southern Seaweeds
Mrs. Leonie Hansen
A Catchment Study and Water Quality Analysis for School and Community Groups
Sharon Hinton & Wendy Haberecht
Volunteers in Community Marine & Coastal Education
Barbara Jensen & Malcolm Turner
Making Seaweek fun and effective
Reg Lipson
Incredible Invertebrates
Sue Longmore & Russell Irving
Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management

Astrida Mednis
Spreading the word about Syngnathids

Assoc.Prof. John Nicholas & Students
"Experimental Learning in and for Marine Environments"
Dr Mark Norman
Southern Biodiversity: what is it and how do we protect it?

Jan Oliver
Best Practice in Marine Field Work?
Panel discussion
"Current Research Case Studies"
Mark Rodrigue
Swan Bay Discovery Tour
Vicki-Jo Russell
Seadragon Monitoring - "Into the Dragon's Lair"
Gayle Seddon & Andrew Hocking
Diving into Cyberspace

Associate Professor John Sherwood
Linking Scientists with the Community

David Wailes and Aqua-Camps Staff
Snorkelling the Subtidal
Norm Walker & Christopher Harty
Mangroves and Marshes
Bob Winters
Bay Litter Watch or Down the Drain
Associate Professor Jim Bowler
Exploring the Coastline....
Prof. Margaret Clayton, Dr Karen Kevekordes & Dr Monica Schoenwaelder
Biodiversity of Seaweeds in southern Australia
Mrs. Leonie Hansen
'What's going into the Oceans and who's doing it?' A Catchment Study and Water Quality Analysis for School and Community Groups
Sharon Hinton & Wendy Haberecht
Volunteers In Community Marine & Coastal Education
Tony Isaacson
Marine Aquaria - The Balanced Community Technique
June Loves
Writing Environmental Education Programs
Astrida Mednis
Spreading the word about Syngnathids
Jan Oliver
Best Practice in Marine Field Work?
Jody Plecas
Heart's Captive
Jody Plecas
Conservation through Education - Beach Secrets Workshop
Norm Walker & Christopher Harty
Educating For Our Mangroves
Bob Winters
Bay Litter Watch or Down the Drain
Bob Winters
Coastal Photographic Survey

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