Abstracts of Conference Papers
Writing Environmental Education Programs
June Loves
Gould League of Victoria
Genoa St.
Moorabbin, Vic 3189
Writing environmental education programs is tricky. Writing marine
programs in which children and water are combined is even trickier!
You need a recipe – a combination of ingredients and a method that
will produce successful programs.
The session includes a combination of ingredients and a method
for developing and implementing a relevant and successful environmental
education program.
During the session participants will be introduced to writing activities
which can be used as starting points in producing their own environmental
education programs.
June Loves is a former teacher, education consultant and is now author
of over forty books .She is author of Beach Secrets the Gould League
marine education program for lower primary schools. With co-author Judi
Champion, teacher and consultant, she has written the Teachers' Package
to support the Beach Secrets program
Recipe for Environmental Education Programs
- safety precautions
- attention-grabbing introduction
- a number of short action-packed activities
- learning outcome links with the national and/or state curricula
- add-on value pre and post teacher support activity packages
- passionate and enthusiastic presenter/s with a thorough knowledge
of program
- Plan program
- Pre-select
- an area or site
- an attention-grabbing, fun, interactive introduction (eg beach/sea
theatre/puppets/inspiring wild life experience)
- a number of activities linked to relevant learning outcomes (for
primary children plan for 10 to 15 minute activities)
- resources – equipment/kits in ample quantities
- write support take-away program for teachers
- Prepare
- visit and check out area
- build in safety factors
- resources – waterproof check-lists etc./label/storage
- 'Be kind equipment' for presenter's kit (eg cool drinks, flask of
coffee, food, shady hat, sun screen, spare change of clothes)
- Time
- program – do a run-through – work to exact time frame
- Practise! Practise!
- keep a check-list in waterproof for to kit on key ring
- tape to yourself
- Present
- with passion, enthusiasm
- set boundaries and responsibilities for students for their own safety
and safety of the environment
- be flexible
- enjoy yourself
- Evaluation
- self
- elements of program
- feedback
- Make any changes necessary. Prepare for next session