Warming Australia to Cool Southern Seas
Allen, T.J.,
Marine and Coastal Community Network,
10 Parliament Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002
While over 80% of the nationıs population live on the temperate coastal
fringe, what have been the drawbacks to conservation initiatives within
the region and where do we go from here?
The conservation movement in Australia has arguably been extremely successful
in raising the level of public awareness towards specific issues and environments.
Historically however, very few of the major conservation organisations
have paid attention towards temperate marine ecosystems or the issues
they face, while educational resources, both community focussed and schools
focussed, are minimal.
A number of opportunities presently exist to rectify this situation.
These include 1998 being International Year of the Ocean, the Federal
Government development of the worldıs first Oceans Policy and the nationwide
move towards a representative system of marine protected areas. The author
will elaborate on these opportunities and outline ways in which we might
strategically develop and plan an agenda that raises the profile of temperate
Australian waters. He will also outline the role and opportunities created
by the Marine and Coastal Community Network.