Each year, MESA runs Seaweek to promote educational issues of relevance to the marine environment.
In 2011, the theme is ‘Spotlight on Marine Science’. This theme profiles marine science endeavours exploring the earth’s least understood habitat, the marine environments of the world. The theme also provides a focus for students in schools and for communities to inform and inspire them about the significance and value of research on marine and coastal environments. Through a spotlight on the work of scientists we can learn more our marine environment to understand its complex ecosystems and become better equipped to preserve it.
Highlight marine science endeavors in a range of different areas to inform and inspire others about the significance and value of research on marine and coastal environments;
Profile marine scientists and their work in helping us learn about our marine environment to understand it more and be better equipped to preserve it;
Facilitate the communication of findings from marine science projects to the education community;
Initiate interest and actions for supporting marine science that help us learn more about marine and coastal environments; and
Provide schools with educational resources available on the MESA website for school’s classroom based activities.
What can you expect from MESA during Seaweek 2011?
MESA councillors are currently developing:
Units of work based on the Seaweek theme
Activities and resources for teachers to use in their classrooms including interactive and ICT based tasks
Profiles of different types of marine scientists and excerpts of their research findings
Interviews with marine scientists on the website and state and national radio broadcasts about the importance of their work for marine conservation
Primary Marine art and issues poster challenge
Links to related materials and activities on other websites
Additional resources available on the MESA website – see the latest release of information units on marine organisms and a feature on crabs.
How can you get involved in Seaweek 2011?
There are many ways you can become involved:
Participate in activities organised by your state or territory MESA councilors
Organise your own school or community events, e.g. Reef or rock pool walks, snorkeling, talks by scientists – let us advertise on these on the MESA website
Have your students enter the Primary Marine art and issues poster challenge
Make use of the many activities and resources which will be available on the website.