National Seaweek 2011 Science At Sea
MESA is pleased to announce National Seaweek 2011 Science At Sea, an international web based program for schools around Australia. For this component of Seaweek 2011 we will work with our marine education colleagues in the USA and link up with the research vessel JOIDES Resolution.
Important Dates
• February 2011: announcement of the program.
• March 7th, 2011: the program formally launched during Seaweek.
• April 13th, 2011: JOIDES Resolution Voyage 335 commences.
• June 3rd, 2011: JOIDES Resolution Voyage 335 ends.
How to Participate
- Start out by familiarizing yourself with the JODIES Resolution and the program offered to teachers and schools. To do that, please go to the JODIES Resolution Teacher Resources page at
- Once you have done that and wish to proceed, it would be valuable to make sure that you can do so. The preferred method of linking to the JODIES Resolution at sea is via Skype so please check with your school’s computer technician to make sure that is possible. In some states school computer systems block Skype so you may need to work with a different high speed web connection or find another way around this.
- We recommend working with a single class or, at most a double class and an interactive whiteboard or some other data display unit connected to a computer. The usual link lasts for 45 minutes and the timing of this link will depend on the location of the JODIES Resolution but would probably be in the middle of the day (say 12 noon to 2 pm EAST).
- 4. To download a range of support material and multimedia presentations go to
- To sign up for a date between April 14th and June 3rd and to download a range of support material and multimedia presentations go to (click on sign up here!).
- If you are successful in gaining a link, please contact Harry Breidahl at and provide details of date and time. As this is the first year of a program such as this, we aim to follow the progress and promote the program via the MESA web site and in other ways.
Note: There are limited places so, once you have checked that you can receive Skype, please request a date as soon as you can.

MESA contact (Australia): Harry Breidahl
Deep Earth Academy contact (USA): Sharon Cooper
About the JODIES Resolution
Firstly, why such an interesting name?
“JOIDES” stands for Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling. The name reflects the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's (IODP) commitment to the science of exploring what lies beneath the ocean floor. The research vessel is also named after the HMS Resolution, commanded by Captain James Cook over 200 years ago, which explored the Pacific Ocean, its islands, and the Antarctic region. Like its namesake, the purpose of the current Resolution is to sail for scientific exploration. This time, those discoveries lie beneath the ocean floor. Around the ship, in the lab and during on-shore operations, the crew refer to the JOIDES Resolution affectionately as The JR.
 The JOIDES Resolution is a seagoing research vessel that drills core samples and collects measurements from under the ocean floor, giving scientists a glimpse into Earth’s development. Data from The JR's ocean drilling offers a scientific means of understanding climate and environmental change throughout a significant part of our planet’s history – a research subject often termed Earth's paleoclimate. The JR’s core samples are the “smoking gun” in evaluating many historical events related to paleoclimate, changes in the solid earth and more – like the extinction of the dinosaurs, for example.
When at sea work aboard the research vessel never ceases; operations continue 24 hours a day. JOIDES Resolution’s complement can consist of 50 scientists and technicians and 65 crew members. The crew consists of marine professionals and ocean drilling specialists, among others. The JR’s science party is specific to each mission, with skills and science disciplines chosen especially to best achieve the mission’s goals.
Some Interesting Links
