Mangroves of Australia
Threats to mangrove ecosystems include;
- developments of the coastline such as reclaiming land (e.g. for building canal estates and marinas);
- erosion of shorelines in coastal lakes and estuaries;
- Declining water quality (increased levels in sediments, nutrients and pesticides) from land clearing, overgrazing and cropping;
- increased levels of heavy metals such as copper, lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury from anti-fouling paints;
- marine oil pollution from sewage systems and drains, which are estimated at 16,000 tonnes a year over the whole of Australia;
- accidental spills during re-fuelling of vessels in ports;
- Aquaculture (increased siltation, erosion and nutrients);
- Uncontrolled stock access;
- Climate change (sea level rise and increase in storm/cyclone frequency and intensity)
- Pressure: disturbance events (storms, cyclones, outbreaks and invasions by pests)
- Human use (fishing, off-road vehicles, dumping of rubbish/waste and collecting).

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