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  Mangroves of Australia    

Mangroves of Australia

Gallery - Mangrove Species

Acanthus ebracteatus
Holly mangrove
Image © J Yong

Acanthus ilicifolius (Sea holly)

Aegialitis annulata
Club Mangrove

Aegiceras corniculatum
(Black Mangrove or River Mangrove)

Acrostichum speciosum
(Mangrove fern)
from Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Resource
Avicennia marina (white or grey mangrove)
Image © Ria Tan

Avicennia marina subspecies australasica
Image © Tony Rodd
Barringtonia racemosa
Powder-puff Tree
Image © Vietnam Plants

Bruguiera exaristata
Ribbed Mangrove
Image © Ocean Grow
Bruguiera parviflora
Small-leafed Orange Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Camptostemon schultzii
Image from TRIN Wiki
Ceriops decandra
Flat-Leaved Spurred Mangrove
Image © Wan Hong Flickr
Ceriops tagal
Spurred Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Ceriops australis
Australian Mangrove
Image from Travel Blog
Ceriops australis
Australian Mangrove
Image © Wan Hong Flickr
Cynanchum carnosum
Mangrove Vine
Australian National Herbarium
Cynometra iripa
Wrinkled pod mangrove
Image © FloraNQ Flickr
Diospyros littorea
Ebony Mangrove
Image © tanetahi Flickr
Dolichandrone spathacea
Mangrove trumpet tree
Image © brandon Chia Flickr
Excoecaria agallocha
Milky mangrove
Image © Ron Ferguson
Heritiera littoralis
Looking-glass mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Lumnitzera littorea
Red-flowered Black Mangrove
Image from Wild Singapore
Lumnitzera racemosa
White-flowered Mangrove
or Black Mangrove
Image from My Capricorn coast

Lumnitzera X rosea
A hybrid species

Nypa fruticans
Mangrove palm
Image © Vietnam Plants
Osbornia octodonta
Myrtle mangrove
Image © Russell Cumming

Pemphis acidula
Digging stick tree
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Rhizophora apiculata fruits
Upriver Stilt Mangrove or
Loop Root Mangrove
Image © Vietnam Plants

Rhizophora apiculata
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Rhizophora mucronata
Corky Stilt Mangrove or Tall Stilt-root Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Rhizophora stylosa
Red Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr
Scyphiphora hydrophylacea
Image from Urban forest
Sonneratia alba
Mangrove Apple
Image © ch.deff Flickr
Selliera radicans
Swamp Weed
Image from Understory Network
Sonneratia caseolaris
Crabapple Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr

Sonneratia X gulngai
a hybrid of S. alba and S. caseolaris
Image from Wildwings and Swampythings
Sonneratia lanceolata
Lanceolate-leafed Apple Mangrove
Image from myGARdeining frenzY
Xylocarpus granatum
Cannonball mangrove
Image from TRIN Wiki
Xylocarpus moluccensis
Cedar Mangrove
Image © Ria Tan Flickr

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Distribution and Diversity
Mangrove Animals
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Photo Gallery 2 - Species
Photo Gallery 3 - Animals


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