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1. Primary Sources of Information on Victoria's
Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries

Visit the Parks Victoria website

Organisation URL Notes
Parks Victoria http://www.parkweb.vic.gov.au Detailed descriptions of each of Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries and other useful resources including Parknotes and detailed maps, system overviews, FAQ's, Fishing Changes, Notes on Snorkelling and Diving, and much more.
Department of Sustainability and EnvironmentCoasts and Marine Pages; http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/coasts The recently renamed Department of Natural Resources and Environment website hosts a rage of excellent resources on Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries, as well as other marine and coastal information.
Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (formerly ECC) Marine, Coastal and Estuarine Investigation: Final Report: http://www.veac.vic.gov.au/ecc/marine
This is the final report to the Victorian Government that resulted in the establishment of Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries. This is based on a ten-year period of investigations, reports, and input through several formal submission periods. It is a useful document for senior students, teachers, and educators interested in more detail on the process of determining Marine National Park legislation.
Parliament of Victoria The National Parks (Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries) Act 2002 http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/sb
This is a link to the actual legislation that establishes Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries
Radio Marinara, 3RRR FMInterviews with Earle, Suzuki and Bellamy http://www.radiomarinara.com/DDS.htm Interviews with some of the worlds leading proponents of marine conservation speak out on Victoria's marine environments.
Victorian National Parks Association http://www.vnpa.org.au As one of the leading campaigners for the establishment of Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries the VNPA have a wealth of marine and coastal campaign material available on their website. This includes audio material related to the campaign and extracts from campaign literature.
VRFishVictoria's peak recreational fishing body http://www.vrfish.com.au/asp/Submission.asp?
This link provides access to VRFish's submission on Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries and provides an alternative perspective.
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