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Parks VICTORIA Visit the Parks Victoria website
Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries

Parks Victoria manages a world class network of parks, including national, state and metropolitan parks, marine national parks, many significant cultural assets and Melbourne's bays and waterways. The Victorian Government has created a system of 13 Marine National Parks and 11 smaller Marine Sanctuaries. These parks and sanctuaries now protect 5.3% of Victoria's coastal waters, safeguarding important marine habitats and species, significant natural features, cultural heritage and aesthetic values.

Parks Victoria have provided us with a wealth of information about Victoria's Marine Parks. Follow the links to the information described below.

Discover Victoria's Diverse Marine Habitats
Representative examples of the wide diversity of marine habitats are fully protected within Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries. From towering kelp forests to swaying seagrass meadows; from the thick mud of mangrove communities to the highly biodiverse sandy plains, Victoria's MPA's provide opportunities for whole ecosystems to be protected.

This section deals with the range of Victorian habitats and provides students and teachers with opportunities to explore them further.


Discover the Weedy Seadragon in Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries
Weedy Seadragons are Victoria's marine state emblem and represent the unique and diverse nature of the marine animals and plants found in Australia's southern waters. Approximately 90% of all marine life in southern Australia is unique to this region of the world. This unusual fish is related to seahorses and pipefish. Seadragons are fragile animals that depend on suitable habitat for their survival. Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries provide full protection for all of the animals and plants that are found within them.

These pages gives more info on these unusual animals and also provides some ideas for teachers and students to find out more about Victoria's amazing marine life.

Explore and Enjoy these Magnificent Places
There are many ways in which people can enjoy Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries. From snorkelling and diving through to surfing and boating people are encouraged to visit, learn about and enjoy these special places in the sea.

This section explores some of the ways we can enjoy the parks while at the same time learning to protect them.

Join Us in Caring for these Special Places
This section explores the different approached taken to looking after these special places and considers how the community can be involved.

Find out more - Marine National Park Online Resources

This section includes:

  • links to Primary Sources of Information on Victoria's Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries; and
  • a wide range of links that have some relevance to Marine National Parks or marine protected areas (mpa's) and their management.

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Discover Victoria's Diverse Marine Habitats

Discover the Weedy Seadragon
Explore and Enjoy
Join Us in Caring
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