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2. Other Related Web Links - Australian Sites

Visit the Parks Victoria website
Links that have some relevance to Marine National Parks or marine protected areas (mpa's) and their management include the following:
Organisation URL Notes
Australian Marine Conservation Society www.amcs.org.au National campaigns on a variety of marine issues.
Australian Marine Sciences Association www.uq.edu.au Peak body of Australian marine scientists who supported Victoria's Marine National Park system.
Coastcare www.ea.gov.au/coasts/coastcare National Coastcare program, funding opportunities, and great links.
Community Biodiversity Network www.cbn.org.au Biodiversity issues and campaigns.
CRC Reef Research Centre www.reef.crc.org.au Research programs associated with the Great Barrier Reef.
CSIRO Marine Research www.marine.csiro.au Links to marine research programs at CSIRO including marine pests info.
Department of Conservation and Land Management - CALM (WA) www.calm.wa.gov.au Western Australia has an extensive network of marine reserves and other marine protected areas.
Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (Tas) www.dpiwe.tas.gov.au Tasmania has several marine reserves and this website includes underwater movie clips.
Environment Protection Agency (QLD) www.epa.qld.gov.au Many marine issues covered on this website
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority www.gbrmpa.gov.au Website of the management authority for the Great Barrier Reef.
Marine and Coastal Community Network www.mccn.org.au Australian community network agency that also provides comprehensive free newsletters on a wide range of topics including mpa's.
Marine Parks Authority (NSW) www.mpa.nsw.gov.au Information on the multiple use Marine Parks in NSW
National Oceans Office www.oceans.gov.au Website of the NOO. Has education section, and details on the Regional Marine Planning process including the South-Eastern Regional Marine plan.
Primary Industries and Resources SA www.pir.sa.gov.au The South Australian government department that deals with marine protected area management.
Reef Watch Victoria www.reefwatchvic.asn.au Online information for the Reefwatch program, designed to provide opportunities to participate in community monitoring of Victoria's marine environments.
ReefHQ www.reefhq.com.au The Great Barrier Reef Marine National Park aquarium in Townsville provides a range of education resources on the Reef.
The Coast Kit www.nre.vic.gov.au/coasts/coastkit Comprehensive information on Victoria's coastal environments.
Victorian Coastal Council www.vcc.vic.gov.au Coastal management in Victoria including the Victorian Coastal Strategy.
Next: 2. Other Related Web Links - International Sites

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