You know
that you are at the Mid Tide Level on rocky ocean shores in south-eastern
Australia in the Eastern Warm Temperate Zone, when you find two other
kinds of barnacle. One is the scaly, but flattened Rosette
Barnacle, Tetraclitella purpurascens, that prefers hidden surfaces
away from the force of the waves, and the Rose-coloured
Barnacle, Tesseropora rosea, that loves to have the full force
of the waves smashing against it. Bennett and Dakin refer to this level
as the Barnacle Zone in their books on "Australian
Rosette Barnacle, Tetraclitella
purpurascens, is grey in colour with a rough scaly appearance. It
prefers protected and semi-protected areas on rock faces, in crevices
and under boulders sheltered away from the direct force of the waves.
the Rose-coloured Barnacle, Tesseropora
rosea, prefers to live on exposed coasts where wave action is moderate
or strong, often fully exposed to raging surf. Like all barnacles, it
feeds on plankton using basket-like feeding arms called cirri.
Two of the
most widespread mollusc (shell fish) of the intertidal zone are the abundant
Variegated Limpet, Cellana
tramoserica, and the also abundant Zebra
Top Shell, Austrocochlea porcata. On southern shores its
close relative the Ribbed Top Shell,
Austrocochlea constricta, takes its place in being the most abundant.
Variegated Limpet, Cellana
tramoserica, is one of our most common shells. It is very variable
in colour and may be pink, grey, yellow, or orange, with darker stripes
or mottling. In New South Wales individuals seem to be more brightly coloured
than along southern shores.
Limpets may also be squat, or very high. It is difficult to believe that
all forms of this limpet belong to the one species. Walk across a shore
and look at all the different forms of the Variegated Limpet.
group of molluscs with very limpet-like shells are the Siphon
Shells. They don't have gills, but have a region in the mantle
cavity which acts like a lung. In other words, they are air breathers,
and are related to the common Garden Snail, and slugs. Along south-eastern
Australia the most common forms are the Denticulated
Siphon Shell, Siphonaria denticulata and the Corded
Siphon Shell, Siphonaria funiculata.
Is there
a pattern to where the various forms of limpets and false limpets are
Are the
flatter limpets of one species found somewhere, while the tall ones of
the same species are found somewhere else?
environmental factors might be influencing the limpet's and false limpet's
Can you
think of reasons why there are many colour patterns in any species? Look
carefully to see what you can observe.
out for waves on the low shore.
ever turn your back to the sea.
good footwear, with laces.
wear loose thongs or sandals.
cheap sandshoes are best.
to slip, slop and slap.
Five other gastropod
molluscs of the rocky seashore are the Striped-mouth Conniwink, the Black
Nerite, the Zebra Top Shell and its close relations the Ribbed Top Shell
and the Wavy Top Shell.
the Stripe-mouthed Conniwink, Bembicium
nanum, the shell is usually more wide than high with a distinct ridge,
called the keel, just above the flattened base. It is found in the upper
tide levels of exposed rock platforms. The shape of the shell is conical,
hence the common name "Coney-wink" or Conniwink.
abundant mollusc is the Black Nerite,
Nerita atramentosa. It lives on and under rocks and in crevices
at mid- to high-tide levels. This distinctive mollusc may often be found
in shallow gutters or depressions where remnant wet areas remain after
a falling tide.
the Conniwink with the Zebra Top Shell,
Austrocochlea porcata, whose shell is more globe-shaped and not
flattened at the base. You may notice that different Zebra Top Shells
have bands which are quite variable in width. The bands are caused by
something which is in the algae that they eat and doesn't want. So they
excrete the chemical into their shell. The Zebra Top Shell is a herbivore,
which means its eats plants (microscopic algae = seaweeds). You can see
its characteristic "tracks" in shallow pools as it grazes its
way through the thin coating of algae.
southern representative of this group is the Ribbed
Top Shell, Austrocochlea constricta. Until very recently,
this species was grouped with A. porcata. Is is a more unicolour
shelled mollusc with deeper ribbing on the shell.
Top Shell found along south-eastern Australian shores is the
Wavy Top Shell, Austrocochlea concamerata. Sometimes found
high on the shore, it prefers sheltered locations underneath boulders
and in crevices.
now find our first chiton, the well-named Snake-skinned
Chiton, Chiton pelliserpentis. It can be distinguished
by the snake-skin like scales and colour pattern of the surrounding girdle.
highest occurring anemone is the Waratah
Anemone, Actinia tenebrosa. It may be found in protected
areas, often under ledges away from the sun. Its deep red colour is characteristic.
It is found throughout southern Australia and is very common in places.
This anemone broods its young, which may be seen in the column just before
Sand Anemone, Oulactis muscosa,
may be found in sand-filled cracks in the rocks where it obscures itself
by adhering to sand grains and pieces of shall. It is always found on
a sand covered area with only its tentacles and oral disk visible. The
column is usually off-white, with rows of darker spots. The tentacles
are usually grey-white.
Necklace, Hormosira banksii, is a very common to abundant
brown algae found in moist depressions and gutters at mid tide level.
It is sometimes so abundant that it carpets large areas.
you look in a pool where Neptune's Necklace is growing, you may see filaments
or clumps of another almost formless hairy algae clinging onto the necklace's
bubbles. This is Ectocarpus, Ectocarpus
We are now
at the Low Tide Level on our walk
down a rocky ocean shore in the Eastern Warm Temperate Zone found in south-eastern
I. (1987)
W.J. Dakin's classic study: Australian Seashores. Angus &
Robertson, Sydney.
Davey, K. (1998)
A Photographic Guide to Seashore Life of Australia.
New Holland, Sydney.
Edgar, G.J. (1997)
Australian Marine Life: the plants and animals of temperate waters.
Reed Books, Kew.
Jones, D. & Morgan,
G. (1994) A Field Guide to Crustaceans of
Australian Waters. Reed, Chatswood.
Quinn, G.P., Wescott,
G.C. & Synnot, R.N. (1992) Life on the
Rocky Shores of South-Eastern Australia: an illustrated field guide.
Victorian National Parks Association, Melbourne.
Marine Research Group
of Victoria (1984) Coastal Invertebrates
of Victoria: an atlas of selected species. Museum of Victoria,
Macpherson, J.H. &
Gabriel, C.J. (1962) Marine Molluscs of Victoria.
Melbourne University Press & The National Museum of Victoria.
Shepherd, S.A. & Thomas,
I.M. (1982) Marine Invertebrates of Victoria,
Pt. 1. South Australian Government Printer, Adelaide.
Underwood, A.J. &
Chapman, M.G. (1993) Seashores: a beachcomber's
guide. New South Wales University Press, Sydney.
Wilson, B.R. &
Gillett, K. (1979) A field guide to Australian
Shells: Prosobranch Gastropods. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Sydney.
Womersley, H.B.S.
(1987) The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern
Australia. pt. 1 , South Australian Government Printer, Adelaide.