by Anica Vranic © 1998 a student of Southern Cross University Humanities,
Media and Asian Studies
The coastal
zone is an important part of the bigger picture - Our World. Ê
Our coastal
zone includes our catchment areas, the rivers that run into the oceans
and the oceans themselves. In the coastal zone you will find the beaches
that we use, the rocky shores and the estuaries. It's important to remember
that all these areas are connected, along with the plants and animals
we depend on it to be clean and healthy for our survival. To find out
more about these different areas click on the map or choose an area from
the list .
The intertidal
zone, lying between the extreme high and low water marks, is at the interface
between land and the ocean. This zone yields some of the most interesting
algal collections, especially on temperate coasts or in areas with high
tidal amplitude where species distribution limits determined by biological
and physical factors are evident.
The varied
intertidal micro-habitats (rock, sand, tidepools, attached organisms)
and differing degrees of exposure to the elements (wave surge, sand scouring,
freezing, desiccation, etc.) account for the high species diversity found
here. In the earlier days of phycology, most specimens were collected
from this zone, and even today the intertidal zone is an important collecting
Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution
Algae are
photosynthetic organisms that occur in most habitats, ranging from marine
and freshwater to desert sands and from hot boiling springs to snow and
ice. They vary from small, single-celled forms to complex multicellular
forms, such as the giant kelps of the eastern Pacific that grow to more
than 60 metres in length and form dense marine forests. Algae are found
in the fossil record dating back to approximately 3 billion years in the
Precambrian. They exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies, from
simple, asexual cell division to complex forms of sexual reproduction.
Algae are
important as primary producers of organic matter at the base of the food
chain. They also provide oxygen for other aquatic life. Algae may contribute
to mass mortality of other organisms, in cases of algal blooms, but they
also contribute to economic well- being in the form of food, medicine
and other products. In tropical regions, coralline algae can be as important
as corals in the formation of reefs.
The first
page lists the various phyla, which link to genera pages, and then to
individual species pages with a clear photograph and description of each
By visiting
this site we hope you will be amazed by the range of innovative and exciting
projects that are on offer along the Dorset coast. We hope you enjoy your
visit and leave knowing a little bit more about Dorset's splendid coastal
environment and why it is so special - you will be amazed at the richness
and diversity of the relatively unknown marine environment.
The Dorset
coast is an exceptional resource worthy of protection; it attracts a wide
variety of interest groups to enjoy its coastal landscape, beaches and
scenery, geology, coastal ecology, wildlife, cultural and heritage features.
After visiting this web site you will know where to find out more about
underwater acoustics and dolphins, where to see live pictures from the
seabed or the cliff top, where to go on guided fossil hunts, as well as
a host of other exciting opportunities to learn more about Dorset's spectacular
marine and coastal environment.
by the Essex Elementary School
by children from the Essex Elementary School about an excursion to the
A well illustrated
single page on some of the intertidal creatures you will find on a rocky
shore in eastern Australia.
The drawings
are by Sue Hardman.
Reference: W.K. Dakin's classic study "Australian Seashores".
Original Pamphlet: by Louise Hardman as a DEET-jobskills Placement.
The shallow
water habitats are made up of mixture of mud, rocks, and gravel. Animals
that filter the water for food like oysters, clams and mussels find abundant
food in this habitat. They feed on microscopic animals and plants called
"plankton". They spend their whole lives in the same place so their habitat
is extremely important for shelter and feeding. Human developments along
our coasts, poorly designed wastewater treatment systems, sewage outfalls
and infilling of marshes and bays can all have a very bad effects in these
areas. The filter feeding animals living in these areas are very sensitive
to changes in their habitats such as a lack of oxygen, increases in temperatures
or being buried by mud.
By the
Sea: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Have you
ever walked along our shorelines wishing you knew what we can find in
these environments? "By the sea" was created to answer your questions.
This guide is about 11 ecosystems within the coastal zone of Eastern Canada.
While consulting this guide, you will learn who are the inhabitants of
our shores, why these environments are so important to our economy and
well-being and what part we can play in preserving these habitats. This
web site contains a short summary of the eleven modules, parts of the
introduction module and five activities from module 13.
Rocky shores
are dominated by rocky substrate and all show, to a greater or a lesser
extent, some form of zonation of banding. One of the most striking features
of a rocky shore is its pattern of zonation. Zonation refers to the regular
appearance of specific plants and animals at specific places along an
intertidal area, the area that lies between the low and the high tide
mark. They display bands of colors, depending on where they're located
in relationship to the rising and falling tides.
© 1997, Derek Keats
When you have completed
this web resource you should:
Understand the nature
and causes of tides.
Be able to solve problems
relating to the tides. Understand the concept of zonation as it relates
to the intertidal zone.
Know how tides affect
the physical conditions experienced by plants and animals at different
levels (zones) on rocky shores.
Be aware of the names
applied to the different levels on the seashore.
University of Exeter,
Department of Psychology
Extending from the high
water mark on Lundy to a distance of one kilometre offshore is the area
of a Marine Nature Reserve administered by the English Conservation Council.
Within this area there is a wealth of protected marine habitats of intertidal
species. Although the majority of these habitats are inaccessible from
the land side, there are some which are accessible. These latter are found
in the South East corner of the island around the Landing Bay and Rat
Island. Most of Lundy is composed of granite but the South East is mainly
slate which has allowed the formation of many rock pools and at low tide
these are exposed. If you are interested in following a line of investigation
into marine behaviour please remember that you will be working within
a Marine Nature Reserve and that nothing should be disturbed. If you raise
a rock or any of the seaweed wracks, they must be replaced as you found
them. Neither should any species be removed from the pools - Please take
your books to the shore, not the shore to the books.
Western Cape Schools
Network: Marine Ecology
Western Cape, South
This page is maintained
by Tony White
The WCSN is a dynamic,
independent schools networking organization which provides a range of
Internet services, training and resources. It is founded, funded and led
by schools, and is dedicated to bringing Internet access to all schools
in the Western Cape, South Africa.
NSW National Parks and
Wildlife Service - Science & Research
Biodiversity on the rocky
sea shoreRocky sea shores are great places to explore. Many forms of life
which are not commonly seen on land can be seen on rock platforms and
tidal pools. We have highlighted a very few of the animals and plants
that you might see along the shores of New South Wales.
This page has links to
various intertidal species.
In the study of community
structure, larval recruitment, and physiology, rocky shores have proven
to be the most versatile habitats, owing to their accessibility to observation
and to the strong physiological gradient, ranging from fully marine to
terrestrial habitats. The physiological gradient makes it relatively easy
to see the interactions of physiological performance and interspecies
Ecological processes
such as competition and predation are strongly modulated by the time organisms
are exposed to air and such effects cause vertical gradients in the importance
of, for example, predation. Many carnivores can only move about and seize
prey when covered with water, which limits the time that intense predation
can occur in the high intertidal.
Our understanding of
these environments has been informed especially by field experiments.
Removal or addition of hypothetical predators and prey has been crucial
in understanding ecological interactions. The experiments performed by
Joseph Connell and Robert T. Paine and their followers set the standard
for ecological field work both in the marine and other environments.
Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary
The MBNMS includes 220
kilometres of rocky shore coastline between San Francisco and Cambria.
Important management issues related to this habitat include understanding
natural changes to assess sanctuary health, preparation for natural resource
damage assessment after small ship groundings (which occur roughly once
per month) or potential large oil spills, and human impacts from trampling
and collecting (DeVogelaere 1996 ). The MBNMS Scientific Research Plan,
indicates that monitoring the rocky shore habitat is a necessary component
of managing the resource (MBNMS Research Advisory Committee 1993). The
north-east pacific shoreline has received extensive attention by rocky
shore ecologists (reviews by Foster et al. 1988, 1991, Ricketts et al.
1988) and some regional monitoring efforts have detected interesting results
(Druehl et al.1988, Barry et al. 1995).The Sanctuary is currently in the
process of compiling regional data sets from previous studies, establishing
several long term monitoring sites, and continuing past monitoring work.
Species lists and quantitative surveys of intertidal organisms generated
through this monitoring program will provide a valuable resource management
tool for the rocky shores within MBNMS and other areas.
During Oceans Week at
Rancho Santa Fe School, the kindergarten and first grade classes studied
the rocky seashore. The classes learned about this unique marine habitat
through hands-on experiences including: hermit crab and crayfish (simulating
lobsters) labs, creating 3 dimensional models of a tidepool, making shoebox
dioramas, playing "Seashore Charades", going on a "Sculpin Hunt", and
many other activities that helped make the rocky intertidal zone come
alive! These classes now have a greater understanding of the rocky seashore
habitat and a new respect for the animals that inhabit this wondrous place.
A White Paper prepared
for the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council March 21, 1997 by Robert
Bailey, Department of Land Conservation and Development, Jim Golden and
Dave Fox, Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Region.
The Rocky Shores Strategy
in the Territorial Sea Plan resulted from a process that began with public
concerns in the late 1960s and early 1970s that, without proper planning
and management, the natural resources and aesthetic values of the Oregon
coast would fall victim to population growth, land-use development, misuse
and overuse. The Oregon Coastal Conservation and Development Commission,
created by the 1971 Legislature, developed planning policies for all aspects
of coastal resource protection and development, including policies on
continental shelf and ocean resources. These policies became the basis
for the four coastal planning goals: Goal 16, Estuarine Resources; Goal
17, Coastal Shorelands; Goal 18, Beaches and Dunes; and Goal 19, Ocean
Resources. The goals were adopted by the Land Conservation and Development
Commission in 1976 and approved by the federal government as the part
of Oregon's Coastal Management Program.
Created and maintained
by: Jocelyn Collins, South Africa
The rocky shore is one
of the most fascinating of all ecosystems. It is packed with a wide variety
of marine life. The shore is covered by the sea and pounded by the waves
at high tide in the intertidal zone. Low tide means exposure to drying
air and heat. Plants and animals living here must be able to live both
in air and water; they must be able to survive the loss of almost 70 %
of their body water during dry periods, and, in addition, be able to cope
with freshwater rain when exposed and salty seawater when submerged.
The Rocky Shore is a
CD-ROM package which combines photographic images, illustrations, detailed
texts and video to provide an interesting and detailed insight into the
fauna and flora of the North-East coast of England. Surveying techniques
such as the use of quadrats are presented together with species and classification
lists. The information is backed up with both video footage and paper
resources. The pack contains :- CD-ROM. Associated paper resources. and
associated video material.
Nova Scotia's rocky seashores
are wonderfully varied. Some are steep cliffs exposed to the pounding
ocean waves, like Cape Split. Others have a gentler slope, with a greater
area of potential living space for seashore plants and animals. Some shores
are solid bedrock, while others are "cobble beaches" of rounded stones
which make rattling noises as the salt water washes over them. These sounds
are made as rocks tumble against each otherÑa precarious habitat for soft-bodied
You will find some living
things on all rocky shores, but plants and animals thrive best on shores
of large solid rocks or bedrock, with lots of crevices and tidepools for
The seashore habitat
is created by the tides. Twice each day, tides cause the ocean's edge
to advance and retreat. The best time to explore rocky shores is within
one hour of low tide. The times of high and low tide become about one
hour later each day.
As you walk toward the
water's edge at low tide, both the abundance and diversity of seashore
life increase. There are both many more creatures and more kinds of them,
the closer you go to the sea. Ecologists divide the rocky shore into three
bands or zones, according to height above low tide and also the most common
creatures: the Upper Shore, the Middle Shore (or Rockweed Zone) and the
Lower Shore (or Kelp Zone).
TerraQuest 1996.
This is a very well done
site, with excellent infrmation and photographs.
Though the intertidal
zone is but a strip around all the islands, the total area has been estimated
as about 40 square kilometres, or two thirds the size of Espa-ola Island.
Organisms here must adapt to spending part of their time submerged and
part above water, resisting the incessant action of waves. Only a few
of the intertidal creatures, like the marine iguana and Sally Lightfoot
crab, will be familiar to most visitors, but if you take a close look
at life on the tidal rocks and in the tide pools, you will discover an
ecosystem every bit as complex as that on land.
Melissa S. & Adam G
Two high school students
havecreated this educational web site..
- To start FREE TOUR
of intertidal zone
- Geography and Weather
- Survey of Organisms
- Animals of the Intertidal
- Adaptation Page
- Endangered Species
- Myth of the Intertidal
- Systems Comparison
- Symbiosis Page
- Quest Page
- Bibliography
If you know of any other
sites that should be linked to this list of Marine WebSite Resources please
contact me at the email address below.
Thank you,
Keith Davey
