Cart-Rut Shell Dicathais orbita |
Form:This is a large, solid, oval-shaped shell, with a short, low spire. The body whorl is very large and rounded. In south-eastern Australia the sculpture consists of massive, deep, spiral ridges. Across southern Australia the shell changes form from the deeply grooved eastern form to a smoother form across southern shores, to a tubercled and bumpy form in south-western Australia. See Biology below. The mouth and operculum are oval. The columella is flattened. The siphonal canal is a short, broad notch. Colour:The shell is cream to white, with a white aperture, tinged yellow to orange near the lip. The end of the columella is yellow. The operculum is dark brown.
Habitat:It occurs singly, or in small groups, in crevices and rock pools at mid to low-tide levels and below, often in regions of very strong wave action. Biology:This large carnivorous snail changes its form gradually over its distribution range across southern Australia. So much so, that previous researchers gave the forms three different scientific names. Click here to investigate this story. References:Bennett, I. (1987) W.J. Dakin's classic study: Australian Seashores. p.139, Angus & Robertson, Sydney. Davey, K. (1998) A Photographic Guide to Seashore Life of Australia. p.24, New Holland, Sydney. Edgar, G.J. (1997) Australian Marine Life: the plants and animals of temperate waters. p.46, Reed Books, Kew. Womersley, H.B.S. (1987) The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia. pt. 2 , p.194, South Australian Government Printer, Adelaide. |
Scientific Consultant: Phil