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18 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 16 to 18

Wags and Kelly''''s Ningaloo Reef

This site contains pictures, articles, videos and resources captured on the Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. Whale sharks, manta rays, coral reefs, sea snakes, turtles and sharks.There is a kid's fun link with puzzles and games and the chance to win their DVDs!

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 31-1-2005

World Wildlife and Environment Community

Information on global warming, funny animals, weather maps, planet earth and air pollution facts to world history timeline and international travel tips.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 20-2-2006


News/Travelogue of family sailing the east coast of Australia. May be of interest to other cruising or intending to cruise or armchair crusing sailors.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 11-11-2003
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