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5 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 1 to 5

Global Vison International

Conservation Expeditions, Volunteer Opportunities, Wildlife Projects and Teaching Placements around the World with Global Vision International.

The underlying aim of Global Vision International (GVI) is the promotion of sustainable development through partnership with aid reliant organisations. These organisations and dedicated GVI Volunteers combine resources to fulfil project goals. Partner organisations share GVI''s vision and are committed to GVI''s three focal points of sustainable development; environmental research, education and community development.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 15-10-2003

Marine and Coastal Studies at Uni of NSW

UNSW is regarded as a major Australian University centre for marine science with active research environments and excellent facilities in the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, the School of Mathematics and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

A variety of courses consider aspects of the Australian marine environment; its flora and fauna, the physical characteristics of coastal and oceanic waters and the sea floor. Information about marine science research and teaching can be found at this website.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 8-3-2004

Online Biology degree

An excellent site for those thinking about tertiary studies in Biology. Sections on why study Biology including interviews with students. A section, with interviews, on branches of Biology. A personality quiz to see if you are suitable to be a Biologist. Job outlooks in Biology. Highly recommended.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 18-4-2013

Project Nature-Ed

Project Nature-Ed is a business devoted to conservation, nature-based recreation and interpretive communication. Information sharing is one of our main mission statements.

'COOEEads' is a weekly email listing jobs, consultancies, tenders, scholarships and grants in the fields of outdoor / environmental education, interpretive communication and park management in Australia (and New Zealand).

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 1-5-2004

Remarkable Careers in Oceanography

Women exploring the oceans

This site has many career profiles of women working in various fields of oceanography including Marine Biologist, Geologist, Engineer and Geophysicist.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 6-2-2003

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