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18 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 11 to 15

Radio Marinara

Radio Marinara is a show dedicated to all things wet and salty. Your hosts will take you on an adventure each week to explore all the marine and coastal news and views from Port Phillip Bay, along the Victorian coast and around the world. Everything from science to surfing, diving to dumpling squids and all that''s in between.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 7-9-2002

ScienceNetwork WA

ScienceNetwork WA is a independent and reliable source of information about Western Australian science capabilities - including marine science! Developed by our science centre, Scitech, in a successful partnership with the State Government''s Office of Science and Innovation, ScienceNetwork WA contains breaking news from industry, educational and research institutions; a database of upcoming events; profiles of leading scientists, key scientific organisations, and top industry bodies; and links to many resources for students, teachers and professionals.

A not-for-profit initiative, ScienceNetwork WA aims to raise community awareness of the importance of science to our daily lives and the scientific principles at work in every day life as well as encourage the uptake of scientific careers. It also provides the many different facets of Western Australia’s science with one ‘virtual community’ to foster a sense of belonging and common purpose, and encourages an open dialogue about the direction of science in Western Australia.

More than 95 of the State''s leading scientists and educators have shown their support for ScienceNetwork WA by becoming Ambassadors for Science. Since it started more than a year ago, the program has evolved to include a wide variety of people united by one common thread – a desire to broaden the general community’s understanding of the importance and value of science in our lives through events, media comment and profiles. As a result we have had early career scientists, leaders in the field, directors of research institutions, educators and researchers all put up their hand to join.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 15-3-2006

SeaTalk, Dictionary of English Nautical Language

A free online dictionary of nautical terms, with examples, illustrations, a word of the day, and a blog discussion of the language of the sea.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 8-12-2006

Shark cartoons at onewhale.com

Shark cartoons by cartoonist Phil Watson in Sydney, Australia. Updated weekly

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 18-3-2004


From the UN, this comprehensive, well organized site is divided into four main sections.

The About section contains background information for understanding the oceans, with 16 subtopics ranging from coasts and coral reefs to ocean dynamics. The Issues section deals with sustainability, food security, global change, and pollution. The Uses section contains information on how the ocean is used for food, shipping, mining, energy, and coastal habitation. The Geography section allows user to search for the information above through an interactive world map.

Audience: Middle School and Up.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 9-12-2002
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