Port River Estuary & Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
Phone : (08) 8273 9100
Kristy Manning
Coast and Marine Teacher Training Workshop (9:15am to 4:00pm on Tuesday 22 March 2011)
Follow up on Seaweek 2011 and join us for an exploration of you local coast and discover how to link the marine environment into teaching.
With input from local experts passionate about the marine environment, the day will provide teachers with:
- An introduction to our local coast and marine environments.
- Ideas on linking your environmental learning into state and national curriculum frameworks.
- The catchment to coast connection and how schools can link in to NRM Education activities.
- How local communities are working to conserve out coast and how to get involved.
A highlight of the day will be an exploration of the Port River Estuary and the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary with dolphin behavioural ecologist Dr Mike Bossley on the historic motor launch Archie Badenoch.
The day is provided free and is a collaboration with the Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, the Star of the Sea Marine Discovery Centre and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Spaces are strictly limited to 20 participants, so book now to secure your place. Placements may be allocated to ensure coverage from across the region.
Contact Kristy Manning, Seascapes Liaison Officer Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board
