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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore

Teaching Ideas

Out and About in the Ocean Community
Year Levels: 1-6

This unit is designed to increase student’s awareness of the features of the area in which marine animals, plants and other organisms live (the ocean and coastal zone). Through observation, visits to the ocean or nearby Marine Discovery Centres and listening to stories about the ocean, students are encouraged to broaden their focus beyond their immediate environment to value the features and services the ocean provides to communities. Students are also introduced to the concept of the ocean community as a way of understanding common needs and purposes and to see that we are all connected to the ocean. These concepts are brought together in the final activities where students create media texts, displays or models about the ocean and how they can make it a better place in which marine animals and plants live.

see the unit ...

Ocean Ecology
Year Level: 7-9

Students explore the ecology of our ocean ecosystems and gain an appreciation of the diversity of life that they contain and the process that have shaped the plants and animals that live there today.

see the unit ...

MS PowerPoint presentations - where do fish live in the oceans?

The outcome of this activity is for students to provide examples of living things that live in specific locations that suit their needs.

see the worksheet ...

Issues of importance about our oceans

The outcome of this activity is for students to state an opinion about a National or International issue that is affecting our oceans.

see the worksheet ...






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