MS PowerPoint presentations - where do fish live in the oceans?
Outcome - Provides examples of living things that live in specific locations that suit their needs.
Indicator – researches one species of fish and makes a short computer generated presentation to the class about where that fish lives and why.
1. Show children an image of a deep ocean fish such as an Angler fish.
2. Ask children if they have ever seen a fish like this when swimming in the ocean, where do they think this type of fish lives?
3. Explain that there are many different places to live in the ocean (called habitats) and the class is going to research some of the fish that live there.
4. Brainstorm to elicit children’s prior knowledge about ocean habitats, complete the list by adding from the following:
a. deep sea
b. pelagic zones
c. rocky reef
d. tropical reef
e. weed covered bottom
f. sandy bottom
5. Divide children into six groups (one for each habitat). Outline the task - each child is to research a different fish from their habitat group and make a simple PowerPoint presentation including the following:
a. Fish name
b. Picture of fish
c. Where in the ocean this type of fish is found
d. Is this type of fish common, rare, or endangered
e. anything this else they know or find interesting about this fish.
6. Direct children to the Australian Museum website, show them how to navigate to ‘Fishes by habitat’ and allow them time to research their fish.
7. Children present their research to the class. |

Striped Anglerfish (Antennarius striatus).
Clifton Gardens, Mosman, NSW
Copyright © 2009 Richard Ling