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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore

Out and About in the Ocean Community

Preparing to find out: Sample activities


Collect/download photographs of the ocean and/or work and recreational opportunities within them. Students share these and talk about features and activities they recognise. Identify things that are found only in the ocean as opposed to other areas.

Ask students:

• What do we mean by the ocean?
• Why is it important?
• What does it support?
• What plants, animals and other organisms live in the ocean?
• What activities might be undertaken while in and on the waters of the ocean?
• What can be seen in the photographs that cannot be found in other familiar places?

Make charts of student responses and use these to develop focus questions for the unit.

Class Chart

With the class, prepare a class chart of things students know about the ocean. Students could draw pictures and explain them while the teacher scribes. Prepare a list of questions students want to investigate. Ask students to offer possible answers to these.

Magic Circle

Place incomplete statements on cards and place them in a box:

• The ocean is…
• Oceans are more than…
• Oceans produce food and shelter for…
• We depend on oceans for…
• We snorkel and dive in…
• Ocean plants…
• Ocean animals…
• Other types of living things …….
• We should protect our oceans ……..

Students can sit in groups and take turns to select a card. Read these and ask students to discuss the statement in groups. Students report back some of the information gained.

(Adapted from Hill, S. Games that work – Cooperative Games and Activities for the Primary School Classroom, Eleanor Curtin, 1992).

Unit Activities - Tuning in
Preparing to find out: Sample activities
Finding Out: Sample Activities
Sorting out: Sample activities
Going further: Sample Activities
Making Connections: Sample Activities
Taking Action: Sample Activities
Reflection: Sample Activities
References: Books & Websites
Resource 1.1
Resource 1.2
Resource 1.3
Resource 1.4
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Marine and Atmospheric Research


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