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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore

So what's wrong with fish?
by David Ogilvie

Links of Interest

Habitat Media (USA)
Habitat Media's mission is to encourage citizen, consumer and industry involvement in conservation efforts and sustainable development. It was formed as a multi-media group in 1999 specifically to produce television documentaries and other educational components that complement these programs. Several of Habitat Media's productions have encouraged consumer awareness as a positive market incentive for changing the way fisheries operate. Habitat Media has also provided footage for breaking stories on marine conservation issues to television and cable networks.

Productions include:

- Empty Oceans, Empty Nets:  the first program in a series of two 60-minute television documentaries that
  examine the global marine fisheries crisis and efforts to implement sustainable fishing practices.
- Farming the Seas: the sequel to Empty Oceans, Empty Nets, is another one-hour documentary exploring the problems and potentials of raising various species of fish and shellfish. Can marine aquaculture take  pressure off the oceans, or does it result in a net loss of marine resources? The Habitat crew travels  around the world to document new endeavours to meet the ever-growing demand for seafood.
- The Seafood Story: a 15-minute educational resource video for use in marine aquaria and schools. The film provides and overview of the global fisheries crisis and an introduction to new initiatives that give consumers and citizens a powerful vote on how oceans are fished.

References (Footnotes):

1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (1998) (on-line). Ecological Effects of
  Fishing by Brown, S., Auster, P. J., Lauck, L. & Coyne, M. NOAA's State of the Coast Report. Silver
   Spring, MD.  2  Coutin, P., Conron, S. & MacDonald, M. (1995). The daytime recreational fishery in Port Phillip Bay
, Victorian Fisheries Research Institute, Department of Conservation and Natural
    Resources, Queenscliff.3  Conron, S. & Coutin, P. (1998). The recreational snapper catch from Port Phillip Bay: a pilot survey
    of the boat-based fishery 1994/1995,
Marine and Freshwater Institute, Internal Report No. 11,
    MAFRI, Queenscliff.4  Hobday, D., Officer, R. & Parry, G. (1999). Changes to demersal fish communities in Port Phillip Bay,
    Australia, over two decades 1970-1991. Mar. Freshwater Res., Vol. 50, pp.397-407.

5  Zann, L.P. (1995). Our sea, our future: The State of the Marine Environment Report for Australia.
Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Commonwealth of Australia.

6  Fox, Michael W., D.V.M., Ph.D. (1987). Do Fish Have Feelings?, The Animals' Agenda, July/August,
    pp. 24-29.

7  Farm Animal Welfare Council (1996). Report on the Welfare of Farmed Fish. Ministry of Agriculture,
    United Kingdom.

The Northern Star newspaper, Lismore, 3/9/2003.

9  The study can be downloaded from

10  Consumers Union (1992). Is Our Fish Fit to Eat?, Consumer Reports, February.

References (General):

Australian Conservation Foundation (2002). Trawling the options, Habitat Australia, October, Vol. 30, No. 5.

Fishing – What's wrong with it?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Ocean Resources. Case study by Kim Kerr
Longman Atlas Companion Website

Save the Albatross
Birdlife International

Seabird by-catch - Ending the slaughter
Media Release (25 January 1998)
Senator Robert Hill
Leader of the Government in the Senate
Minister for the Environment

Trawling the seas at what cost? Scraping bottom
An information packet on bottom trawling
American Oceans Campaign

The Fish Business
Animal Aid UK

Marine Campaign
Victorian National Parks Association

Script of "Ocean Planet," a 1995 Smithsonian Institution travelling exhibition
Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project

The incidental killing and capture of marine wildlife

References (Fish Farming):

Fish Farms Become Feedlots of the Sea
By Kenneth Weiss, Times Staff Writer
Los Angeles Times - December 12, 2002

When it Comes to Salmon, Buy Wild
Sierra Club

References (Fish and your Health):

Fish: What's the Catch?

The Fish Business
Animal Aid

Dangerous Foods
Dr Jay Gordon

Report Finds Forty States Advise Limited Fish Consumption Due to Mercury Contamination
Common Dreams News Centre
Media Release (3 February 1999)

The One That Got Away: New Seafood Regulations Come Up Short
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

Poisons and Breast-Feeding
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Fisheries in crisis
By-catch - an incredible waste
Case study: Tuna fishing and dolphins
The impacts of fishing on other animals
Commercial fishing
  Purse seine nets
  Drift nets
  Longline fishing
  Bottom trawling
Technology opens oceans to trawling
Trawling destroys vital habitat
Recent improvements in design
Fish Farming
Recreational fishing
   VNPA research review
   CSIRO Port Phillip Bay Study 1999
Fish and pain
Fish and intelligence
Fish and human health
   Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids
  A lot of fat and cholesterol, and no fibre
  Bio-accumulation of toxic chemicals
  Recent research on mercury in the USA
   PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)
   Food poisoning risk
Recent fishing issues (news articles)
Links of Interest


Marine and Atmospheric Research


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