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  Seaweek 2001    

Ocean Culture - People and the Sea
11-18 March, 2001

The focus for Seaweek 2001 is on the relationship of people and the sea.


A culture is a way of life including the customs, beliefs, values, technology and social institutions shared by a social group or society. Cultures are learnt and are therefore dependent on transmission or communication; they differ from group to group and change over time.

Many cultures have been influenced through association with the sea, hence the term Ocean Culture.


Activity 1: Design your own marine park!
Activity 2: Ocean Culture Activities
Activity 3: Be a Marine Conservation Scientist for a day
Activity 4: Glimpses of our Coastal and Marine environments at Seaweek

Kids and Water AMSA Visit the Gould League site
Choose BriTer Solutions for your next web site
BriTer Solutions

Surfrider Foundation
Coast Action Visit the Wet Paper site MTAQ
What happened?

Find out what happened before, during and after Seaweek here.

Read the plans for Seaweek 2001

Over 330 online registrations for Seaweek Events. View them state by state. Read reviews of Seaweek Events in the ACT and the Territory

Email us some information about your Seaweek activity (some photos please) and read what others did.


Read the background information on Ocean Culture - People and the Sea.

View the Poster - A Gutful of Plastic highlighting the effects of plastic on sea creatures

View the Seaweek 2001 poster

Glimpses of the coast - the Australian marine scene in March as seen by Alan Reid and others.

Living safely with crocodiles kit online for Seaweek 2001.

Exploring the theme (Background Information)


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