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  Seaweek 2001    

Ocean Culture - People and the Sea
11-18 March, 2001

Seaweek in the ACT

SIEC Dickson Public Library Art Exhibit (Dickson shopping Centre)

An 'art exhibit' was held at the Dickson Public Library for Seaweek 2001. The art exhibit, which focused on the theme 'people and the sea' , was compiled by students from the Secondary Introductory English Centre (SIEC) under the guidance of teachers Gaye Jackson and Inès Flòrez, in association with Dickson Library staff Mollie Bialkowski (Librarian -Children's/Young Adult Services) and Janis Dengate (Customer Service Officer).

Schools and the general public were able to view the art work, view and/or borrow the marine books on display, and obtain a Seaweek information brochure and complimentary poster.

Seaweek art exhibit at Dickson Library: Gaye Jackson with her SIEC students.

Seaweek art exhibit at Dickson Library: piñata (octopus filled with sweets), stained glass drawings and ornate cards.

The SIEC caters for students of Non-English speaking backgrounds who wish to acquire sufficient English to study in mainstream secondary schools. Students are aged from 12 to 19 years and come from all over the world. Because of the multicultural nature of this school, students were asked to share their interpretation of the ocean with the Canberra community during Seaweek 2001.

The SIEC students: (i) composed stories on what the ocean meant to them; (ii) composed poems about the sea and the animals that lived in the sea; (iii) produced ornate cards and stained glass pictures depicting marine themes; and (iv) created a magnificent piñata (octopus filled with sweets) as the center piece of their exhibit.

Read the students stories and poems.


. Seaweek art exhibit at Dickson Library:
students from the SIEC

Seaweek art exhibit at Dickson Library:
students from the SIEC

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