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  Seaweek 2001    

Ocean Culture - People and the Sea
11-18 March, 2001

Community Events

Cottesloe Marine Protection Group

Cottesloe WA

Ken Mcintyre

Seadragon Festival (Sunday 18th March from 10am - 7pm)

A full day of fun activities for all the family with a marine education theme. The Seadragon Festival is free of charge.

There will be bands, a Fish release of baby snapper, photo display of entrants to the Underwater Photographic competition and lots of fun.



WA Seafood Quality Management Initiative

Perth 6000

Don Nicholls

SQMI Teachers Giveaway For Seaweek 2001

A set of posters (3) looking at the fishing industry and seafood quality, colourful and fun for the classroom.

Available to teachers and schools by contacting SQMI


School Events

Fisheries WA

Perth 6000

Sue Spenceley

Multicultural marine education (Monday 12th March 2001)

The first trial of this inservice for teachers. The inservice will be held at Fremantle Primary School, corner of Alma and Brennan Street FREMANTLE WA (near the Fremantle Hospital) The inservice will run from 4.00pm - 6.00pm.

Singleton Primary School

Singleton WA

Val Applegate

Fish for the future inservice

The inservice will be conducted by Fisheries WA education staff at Singleton Primary School. The inservice is from 9.00am - 12.30pm and will include morning tea for a cost of $45. Teachers attending will receive the Fish for the future Education Package, the Fisheries WA Seaweek Teachers gift consisting of a poster, a book and a video. Places are limited so be sure to book your place.

Rottnest Island Authority

Fremantle WA 6160

Melinda Wild

Teacher's Expo (Saturday 10th March)

A collection of agencies and groups concerned with marine and coastal issues have combined to present a motivational experience for teachers.

Fisheries WA

PERTH 6000

Sue Spenceley

Fisheries WA Seaweek teachers gift

The Fisheries WA Seaweek teachers gift will be given to all teachers attending the Rottnest Teachers Expo on 10th March and all teachers attending a Fisheries WA inservice. The teachers gift contains a book, video and poster.



Rocky Gully P.S.

Rocky Gully WA 6397

Jacqui Hamblin

Sea Mythology

An integrated program conducted through Library lessons and the Arts, exploring the influence of the sea in many cultures as evidencied by the myths and legends involving the sea in different countries. This will lead to investigating the ways in which humans utilize the ocean and how to best achieve a balance to ensure the future sustainability of our seas.

The culmination of this will be a school assembly where students will perform an assembly item with a sea theme and display their work in the library, including research, sea dioramas and reports on what they have learnt. This will also fulfill part of our committment to becoming a Waterwise accredited school.

Wattle Grove P.S.

Wattle Grove 6109

Robyn Higgins

Sea Creatures

Researching the animal life of the sea and the threats to their survival without human awareness of their environment and its fragility.

Large mural with 3D creatures and collage.- attaching names and labels to mural. - using www and library reference books to obtain info to present mini- projects on selected animals.

Present completed work to buddy class and invite parents to view via school newsletter.

Newton Moore SHS

Bunbury WA 6230

Dave Phillips

Local beach clean up (Feb & March)

Three local beaches have been identified as in need of a thorough clean up.

Saint Thomas More CPS

Margaret River 6285

Vanessa Knight

Clean up our Beach

For ten weeks our year 2 class is studying the sea, life within it and the care we need to take for the beach/ocean environment. We will be making visits to the local beaches for clean ups, lessons on revegetation and studying local flora and fauna in the area, ensuring that at least one visit occurs in Sea Week

East Greenwood Primary

Greenwood W.A. 6025

Karen Garn-Jones

No activity description

Greenmount P.S. Years 3/4

Greenmount 6056

Cheryl Silcox / Pam McLennan

Pirates of the past

The Batavia story. Fictional pirates and pirates of today. We will be "travelling"" around Australia and looking at many towns situated along our coastline.

St Lawrence's P.S.

Woorree Geraldton 6530

Jane Brownrigg

Windsurfers (3 - 14 March)

Geraldton is a town that attracts a strong contingent of windsurfers from around the globe.

Activities may include a description of windsurfing, countries likely to be represented in the sport and a excursion to local windsurfing spot - interviews, viewing, culture.

Southlands Christian College

Albany, 6330

Terry Phipson

Sea Pollution - How can I help?

Dicussion "Ring" using posters talking about pollution of our seas. Dicussing what we do that causes our seas to be polluted and how we could chnage that. Followed by making posters of things that we do that can cause pollution of our eas. Making a poster warning people against polluting our seas.

Lake Gwelup P.S.

Gwelup 6018

Teresa Millar

Ocean Culture

They will make a mural depicting how we have been influenced by the ocean culture around our country. The mural will be located in the library and books supporting this theme will also be displayed.

Armadale Senior High

Armadale 6112,

Norbert Samuels

Ballajura Community College

Ballajura WA 6066

Margaret Ingham



Glencoe Primary School

Mandurah WA 6210

Julie White

Oceans - Life, Uses and Care of (Term 1)

Thematic approach incorporating alllearning areas in the Curriculum Framework.e.g.Japanese hanging koi fish in art,

Is the new Dawesville Cut improving the Peel Inlet and the quantity of crabs and prawns caught? How is a coral reef formed and is tourism at Ningaloo a good idea?

The whole term will be spent on topics brainstormed by the class.

Langford Primary School

Langford 6147

Mrs Maxine Wylie

Abandoned plastic bags

Collection of plastic bags, assembly item, maybe posters showing comparison of misuse and delivery of bags to supermarket.

Foundation Christian School

Mandurah 6210

Deirdre Barrett-Lennard

The Sea (Term 1)

Years K to 1 are investigating the sea. Activities include an excursionto the beach and art/craft/music/books about the sea. Topics include conservation,sea creatures, people who live and work near the sea and the water cycle.

Allanson Primary School

Allanson 6225

Vanessa Rankin-Hume & Alison Kidman

Exploring Ocean Habitats (Term 1)

Students will research different ocean habitats such as Kelp forests, identify animals that rely upon these habitats and how people use the resources ie kelp in icecream. They will need to make judgements on how we can ensure these habitats are protected for future generations.

Denmark Primay School

Denmark 6333

Chris Day

The Clean Up!

A class excursion to clean up the beach at William Bay in the William Bay National Park, Denmark WA.

West Morley PS

Dianella 6059

Gail Lovery

Clean Oceans Poster

Stop water pollution

Bunbury Senior High

Bunbury 6230

Val Knott

Clean Up

100 students will be helping to clean up the Bunbury back Beach

Kingsway Christian College

Darch 6065

Marnie Giroud

Marine Mayhem!

Students will research threatened marine fauna, discover the reason why they are threatened and create a sculpture of the animal and it's threat from recycled materials e.g. whales that have swallowed plastic bags. These marine installations will then be displayed at a local shopping centre during Seaweek to promote conservation of marine animals.

Posters will also be created to supply the general public with more detailed information about the threatened animal and will list the appropriate authorities to contact if they see an animal in distress.

Belmont Primary School

Belmont, 6104

Mrs Rosemary McGrath

Marine Life

Life cycle of a fish

Forrestdale Primary School

Forrestdale 6112

Joan Smithson

Ocean Culture

Use of the ocean (recreation/living)

Allendale PS

Geraldton 6530

Debra Clarke/Dianne Salmon

The Sea (Term 1)

Reef walk / touch pool to identify the diversity of living creatures on Geraldton's reefs. Assembly item to advertise Sea Week and "A gutful of plastic". Demonstration of 6 square metres of plastic. Fashion parade showing different ways to recycle plastic bags. Don't litter recycle.

East Carnarvon Primary School

Carnarvon 6701

Gail Thomason

Coastal Cleanup

Clean areas adjacent to the One Mile Jetty and the Prawning Jetty. These are popular fishing spots, which have become badly littered.

St Francis Xavier School

Geraldton 6350

Toni McManus

What's under the water?

Raise awareness of the beauty and wonder of the ocean and the need to conserve our heritage

West Busselton PS

Busselton 6280

Julie Sullivan

Exploring our marine environment

Snorkelling the bay to identify marine life. Beach combing - identifying rock crabs,sea urchins etc.Looking at different habitats.

Margaret River Montessori School

Margaret River 6285

Lee-Anne French

Adopt-a-dune project

To begin a dune rehabilitation project at Big Rock Beach via Gracetown.

Sacred Heart Primary School

Mt Lawley 6929

Geraldine Hickey

Life in the Sea

Art Activities/Research/Promotion of the Sea as a healthy environment for our children. Our school is inner city and many of the children rarely, if ever, go to the beach, or are involved in water activities.

Kingsway Christian College

Darch 6065

Mrs Jenny Meinck

THE SEA: Conservation

A 5 week across the curriculum approach dealing with a variety of topics and activities. Conservation:
Aim: To prevent damage to marine life by human activity.During this activity, students (year 5) will be asked to manage an imaginary island.They have to devise a set of rules which will allow people to enjoy the island without destroying plant and animal life or their habitat.They will be given a number of things they will need to consider. Before commencing this activity, students will have looked at and discussed pollution (eg oil spillages, plastic bags etc in the ocean/seas etc.)

Cranbrook Primary School

Cranbrook 6321

Rosemarie Pataky

The School as the Sea (Term 1)

Cranbrook Primary School is engaged in participative / collaborative whole school planning. Each term will be based on a different theme or concept. The sea has been selected as the theme for first term. The teachers meet once a week for collaborative planning time.

This time has been made available through flexible timetabling in the Mount Barker cell. Initially, the teachers reviewed all the resources within the school, and selected everything that mentioned the sea or water, in any shape or form. This produced a wealth of resources,
pictures, games, photos, cartoons, books, artefacts, etc. A brainstorming session produced links with all curriculum areas. The school was converted into a ship. The windows along the verandah were painted as an underwater scene.

The school was renamed H(er) M(ajesty’s) A(ustralian) S(chool) Cranbrook”, the principal’s office became the “Captain’s Office”, the library became “the chart room” , the staffroom the “galley”, and the toilets renamed the “head”. The door into each classroom has a porthole
filled with the photos of all class members. There are four classes in the school.

The Pre-primary/Kindergarten class is looking at the sea from the point of view of the underwater environment. The year 1 and 2 class is making a comparison between fish and themselves. The year 4/5 are learning all about fish and other sea creatures, and the year 6/7s are investigating sharks. By the end of the term we intend to have explored ships, coral, maritime industry, marine life and environmental issues. The school has become a treasure trove of all things nautical. Students and community members are donating artefacts to the school.

Wilson Primary School

Wilson 6107

Gary Bonser

In term one, we will be studying various aspects of the sea including:

  • sea life
  • caring for our oceans and coast
  • recreational uses of the sea
  • water safety
  • fishing
  • collecting news articles

Activities will include: - creating 3d sea life - completing a research assignment on Westfish website - painting underwater scene on windows - completing fishing clinic with W.A Department of Fisheries - Emergency care certificate and Beach Workshop with Surf Lifesaving of WA.

Dunsborough PS

Dunsborough 6281

Robin Bigwood

Fish Survey

A fish survey at Yallingup Beach


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