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  Seaweek 1998    

Theme: Celebrate the Sea: Clean Oceans

Seaweek '98 coordinator: Barbara Jensen

Personal actions

Our everyday actions have an impact on the health of our waterways, catchments and oceans:

  • Sweep rather than hose down outdoor areas.
  • Avoid use of chemical cleaning agents.
  • Avoid using drains as a means of disposing unwanted materials.
  • Use a fly swat & other natural and organic means of dealing with household pests.
  • Use a sink strainer in all plug holes.
  • Wash things using buckets not a running tap.
  • Wash your car on the lawn with a bucket not hose.

Further Resources


Moffat, Bob The Marine Environment Student Manual Wet Paper Publications, Australia


Oil and litter Posters Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra

Fact Sheets

CSIRO Fact Sheets eg Sewerage & Stormwater, Introduced Marine Pest, Clayton, 1 300 363 400


Kids on Boats, site for kids www.anzsbeg.org.au

Australia's National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other marine protection AMSA www.amsa.gov.au

Websites related to Marine Oil Spills

Search site




Sample activities

Understanding the theme

Exploring the theme - event ideas

Extending the theme - classroom activities

Personal Action

Further Resources

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