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  Seaweek 1998    

Theme: Celebrate the Sea: Clean Oceans

Seaweek '98 coordinator: Barbara Jensen

Understanding the theme

It is widely recognised that land-based marine pollution exceeds pollution from dumping and other maritime activities. Therefore the 'clean oceans' theme encourages exploration of the links between the land and sea.

Clean oceans are everybody's business and marine education around this theme creates awareness about how our everyday actions and land management practices are effecting the health of the coasts and oceans.

More about the theme ..

By considering the 'clean ocean' issues we acknowledge the impact of our actions and the pressures we are putting on marine habitats and their inhabitants. Through this awareness we can gain a better understanding of the importance of conservation and sustainable use of the coast and oceans.

While exploring this theme we are encouraged to consider what is making our oceans dirty, why we must be concerned for their well-being and how we can help to keep our seas clean, healthy, alive and living. Issues that arise include:

  • Healthy ocean habitats
  • Natural cleaning systems
  • Litter & marine debris
  • Dumping & ballast water
  • Pollution & oil spills
  • Catchment management
  • Government policies & programmes
  • Exploring the theme - event ideas

    ‘Filthy Activities’ - A Canoe Discovery Trip by the National Parks and Wildlife Service Discovery Rangers.


    An easy guided paddle with the Discovery Rangers.


    On the Brunswick River at Brunswick Heads.

    Canoes and kayaks are a fun and easy way
    to see the local marine environments


    Undertake some simple health checks while on a guided canoe paddle, using 'A Wetlands/Waterways Health Check' from Waterwatch Australia


    This fun activity created interest about the health of the estuary and river. It aimed to illustrate the link between land and ocean and to encourage participants to consider what steps they can start to take, to improve the health of our waterways, coastal and marine environments.

    The Health Check is a four page brochure, that when completed, provides an indicator of the health of the waterway. This is a rough guide only but it is a good starting point for further work.

    The Health Check segment is reprinted with permission from CSIRO Double Helix Club Magazine and the Wetlands Unit of Environment Australia. The Health Checks were part of the Seaweek'98 Education Kit. To obtain a copy ring the Wetlands Unit on 02 6274 2385.

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    Sample activities

    Understanding the theme

    Exploring the theme - event ideas

    Extending the theme - classroom activities

    Personal Action

    Further Resources

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