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  Habitats - The Southern Ocean    

Come on a journey across the vast Southern Ocean

Possession Islands


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Next stop Possession Island. Adelie penguins everywhere!

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Further south the Akademik Shokalskiy cuts through the sea ice, what a magnificent sight it is!
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Tall (over 30m) tabular icebergs "sail" around in the fast currents of Iceberg Alley. These icebergs have broken off (calved) from the glaciers when they reach the sea. Some may have calved from the Ross Ice Shelf.
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Stopped in our path! This huge iceberg (called C19) measures around 150 km long and 30 km wide! Behind it is a traffic jam! Sea ice and other icebergs are banked up for hundreds of kilometres and we are not able to reach our final destination of Ross Island.
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Minke whales feed on the edge of the ice. Leads (gaps) in the ice appear and we follow them as far as we can, what an adventure!
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This was our destination, 74 degrees south at 11pm in mid January. How did those early explorers get through all this ice? Without a big southerly summer storm, the sea ice has not blown out to sea. We had hoped to make it further south to visit more of the historic huts, but we are travelling on nature's terms. We are thrilled with what we have seen.
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A lone Adelie penguin casts a
beautiful shadow on the ice.

Next - The journey home   

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Find out about:

Macquarie Island - scientists and sealers
  Sea Ice and bergs - What is the difference?
Cape Adare - an historic hut on a windswept shoal and one or two penguins!
Possession Islands - covered with Adelie penguins
The journey home - Campbell and Auckland Islands


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