- Tread
carefully and avoid stepping on marine animals or algae when walking
across a rock platform or seashore. Your weight will kill most animals
and dislodge algae.
- Avoid
catching rock pool animals. Rough handling may damage their skin or
they may dry out if removed from the water. You may learn more by patiently
observing animals in their own habitat. Write down your observations,
or record them with an audio-cassette recorded before you forget them.
Even ten minutes later, you will have forgotten much of what you saw.
- Many
shore animals are found under rocks and boulders. Roll rocks over carefully
in order to look underneath. Remember to always return them carefully
to their original position, so you do not damage any creatures found
there. Be especially careful of soft bodied animals.
- Do
not litter. Always collect and properly dispose of any litter found.
- Some
shores are marine protected areas or aquatic reserves, where all animals
and algae are protected from nay interference by humans. You may visit
these shores but their animals and algae should remain unharmed and
- When
you visit a rocky ocean shore, never remove an animal from its habitat.
If you take it home, it will surely die, and this gives it no chance
of leaving further offspring , to repopulate its environment.

Rocky Shores
Tidal Levels
Intertidal Zonation
Environmental Factors
Feeding Relationships