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15 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 1 to 5

Australian Electronic Journals

Links to Australian journals on-line from the National Library of Australia.

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Australian Geographic

Magazine, activities, products. Australia: geography, environment, travel.

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Biology Answers

This site helps answer many questions regarding evolutionary development, and human and animal biological functions, along with other general questions. We are working on building it up and are hoping to add new content to it daily. Getting feedback from a site like yours is always

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 1-7-2013

Coastal Atlas of Australia

The Coastal Atlas of Australia lets you view layers of information about the Australian coast, you can even print out your own custom map. The Atlas includes maps and images of the coastal zone showing information about water quality, climate, fisheries and more!

The Australian Coastal Atlas is a national network of marine and coastal agencies all working together to provide information to the public over the WWW. The Coastal Atlas uses the Australian Atlas WWW application developed by Environment Australia to view marine and coastal data.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 20-3-2002

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineeri

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering(JNAME) provides a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original research results in the field of Naval Architecture, Marine, Offshore & Ocean Engineering and related subjects.

The journal invites submissions of papers with reference to the originality and quality of the research and practical experiences demonstrated.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 27-11-2004
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