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10 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 6 to 10

Seagrass Photo Gallery

This site has many pictures of seagrasses from around the world in situ.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 21-10-2004

The Harmful Algae Page

From Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

A very comprehensive site looking at Harmful Algal Blooms with well written explanations, well illustrated with good explanatory diagrams.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 8-12-2002

The Seaweed Site

This site, from the National University of Ireland, Galway, has a wide range of information on seaweeds including many illustrations.

Some of the sections includes "What is seaweed?", "Uses of seaweed" and "Pictures of seaweeds"

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 20-2-2002

Toxic and Harmful Algal Blooms - Ed Activities

This excellent site has many sections:

Toxic & Harmful Algal Blooms
Understand toxic and non-toxic HABs, where they occur in U.S. waters, food web effects, how specific toxins affect humans, and the causative phytoplankton species.

Toxic & Harmful Algal Blooms: Educational Activities
These activities will help students gain a better understanding of toxic and harmful algal blooms.

From the Top of the World... to the Bottom of the Food Web
Materials broaden the awareness of marine phytoplankton and NASA's programs that study ocean color.

Ship Mates
Temperature, salinity and chlorophyll data are posted on-line along with several educational activities that guide users through working with on-line oceanographic data.

Cycling through the Food Web
Discover marine bacteria, those Tiny Titans of the sea.

Cycling through the Food Web: Educational Activities
These activities will help students learn about the role of bacteria in the marine food web.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 26-7-2005

Western Port Seagrass Partnership

All about Western Port Bay in Victoria and the threats to the catchment that affect the mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass. Able to get a free DVD put together with underwater footage of the area and documentaries

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 22-7-2009
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