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16 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 6 to 10

Australian Institute of Petroleum

A site that provides good information and graphics which are easily understood by secondary students. They have an education focus and appear to run activities and projects with secondary schools. Worth investigating.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 20-2-2002

Australian National Botanic Gardens

Take a virtual tour of the Australian National Botanic Gardens

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Coastcare is the community cornerstone of Coasts and Clean Seas, the Federal Government's coastal and marine initiative under the Natural Heritage Trust.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 20-3-2002

CSIRO Marine Research

CSIRO Marine Research is helping Australians understand its oceans by conducting research in the sustainable use of Australia''s marine resources, the ocean''s role in climate, and the effective conservation of the marine ecosystem integrity.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 28-5-2002

Environment Australia - Coasts and Oceans

The Coasts and Oceans web site aims to provide information and guidance on action to understand and care for Australia''s coasts and oceans, and to promote the wise use of our marine resources.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 3-6-2002
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