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10 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 6 to 10

Reef Life Survey

The site is all about linking volunteer divers, scientists and managers in marine research and conservation through a volunteer training and monitoring program of Australian marine reefs.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 22-7-2009

Reef Watch

Reef Watch is an environmental monitoring program run by the community and coordinated by the Conservation Council of South Australia. Reef Watch is a unique and exciting program where recreational divers gather data about the health of the oceans.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 21-10-2004

Sea Search

Community volunteers can learn and participate in marine monitoring of the Victorian Marine Environment including Marine Protected Areas. Events happen year round and anyone can participate.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 22-7-2009

Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association Inc

The Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association Inc. is a community group comprising people with wide range of expertise and interests, ranging from amateur to professional, all with a common interest in the coastal and marine environment.

They have produced a field guide, Between Tasmanian Tidelines, that illustrates and describes over 200 of the plants and animals commonly found washed up on Tasmanian beaches and on rocky shores at low tide.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 29-8-2002

Wild Singapore

This excellent site has a collection of well written fact sheets covering many marine plants and animals. It also has information on habitats and ecological concepts as well as many excellent photos.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 22-1-2011
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