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13 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 1 to 5

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Conservation Foundation website

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Australian Marine Conservation Society Inc.

The AMCS (Formerly the Australian Littoral Society) is one of the leading conservation organisations in Australia, and is the only national group devoted solely to protecting the marine environment. It is a non-profit, non-government organisation that has a unique role in promoting the study and conservation of all aquatic life.

The Society operates by promoting marine and aquatic conservation to the general public, user groups and decision-makers on the basis of soundly researched argument and scientific fact.

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Center for Marine Conservation (USA)

The Center for Marine Conservation is committed to protecting ocean environments and conserving the global abundance and diversity of marine life.

Through science-based advocacy, research and public education, CMC promotes informed citizen participation to reverse the degradation of our oceans. They have some interesting games and actvities for kids

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Environmental News Network

Your link to environmental education and awareness.

Even though 1998 was the International Year of the Ocean, it is still vital to continue our ocean efforts. Browse through our information archive complete with ocean-related news stories, breathtaking multimedia, and an area for you to pledge your support to saving our ocean. Get into It!

Read about El Niņo and its on-going impact on our weather and oceans. Learn what an El Niņo is, El Niņos of the past and track this phenomenon with the latest information and links on the Internet

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International Coral Reef Information Network (ICRI

Information and news for all who are involved with and concerned about coral reefs.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 3-6-2002
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