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Where to start

From the New Zealand
Penguins site


Pete and Barb's Penguin Pages

Detailed info on each species covering Distinguishing features; Sub-species; Height & Weight; Breeding locations; Nesting Behaviour; Principal Diet; Alternative names; Further Information.

There is also info on Breeding Behaviour, Threats, the Treasure Oil Spill, Life Cycle of Penguins, Evolution, Bibliography, links, penguin FAQS, around 200 photos and more. For: Primary to Adult

Has detailed information covering the following: Scientific Classification; Distribution and Habitat; Physical Characteristics; Sexual Dimorphism; Senses; Adaptations for an Aquatic Environment; Behavior; Diet and Eating Habits; Reproduction; Hatching and Care of Chicks; Communication; Longevity and Causes of Death; Conservation; Appendix: penguin species; References and Bibliography; Books for Young Readers. For: Primary to Adult

The Penguin Page
Biology, Species, Evolution, Behaviour, Ecology, Deconstructing Penguin Myths, a FAQ with over 40 questions answered.

A highly recommended site with very detailed information, some of which is quite technical. For: Middle Sec to Adult


New Zealand Penguins
A good site with information about all species found in NZ, a general FAQ about penguins, some excellent images to download, online penguin games, links to webcams and more. For: Primary to Adult

More Information

Phillip Island Penguin Parade
The famous Phillip Island Penguin Parade has virtual tours "about the Little Penguin" and "Penguins and Predators". It also has Nature Notes "Everything you would need to know about Little Penguins" and "Helping the Little Penguins through Management" and "Online Research".

For: Primary to Adult

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