What's On -
Talk & Slide Show ‘Tasmania’s
Unique Marine Biodiversity’, by renowned underwater photographer
Jon Bryan at the Tasmania Museum. 7.30pm, 23 March.
Marine Biodiversity Display Tasmanian
Museum, week of 28 March.
Newspaper feature in Tasmanian Mercury.
Contact: Tania
Stadler 03 6226 2838 or tania.stadler@utas.edu.au
To find out what events have been
organised in your part of the country, click on your state or territory.
For more information on any of the
Seaweek activities, please contact the Coast Action / Coastcare
Facilitator at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment
on 5561 9955 or 0418 529 014.
design and construction by Peter
Last updated Oct 2000
MESA 1999 - 2000