What's On -

'Fun on the Beach program' at
Coochiemudlo Island including beach games, sport and races with
surfriders on the Island, 28 March.
Contact: Richard
Collins 07 3207 8629
Boat trip to South Stradbroke Island
by Wildlife Queensland to new eco resort at Couran, 21 March. Booking
Contact: WPSQ
07 3221 0194
Field Study Centres Seaweek
Schools programmes.
For general Brisbane information,
contact: Jan Oliver 07 3378
Ranger talks and artist
workshops in schools working towards the Sea Parade of
costumed local school students led by Ranger Stacey
Contact: Melissa
Nursery Bray 07 4052 3312
Coast / Sea World
Primary School Education Programme
During Seaweek the programme includes a free Resource Pack and Character
Performance. 10am to 2.30pm, 22, 24 & 25 March. Bookings.
Sirena’s Seaweek Party Sirena
the Mermaid and a variety of her sea creature friends, set out to
celebrate Seaweek but run into some environmental problems. 10am,
22 to 24 March. Bookings.
Secondary School Education Programme
During Seaweek the programme includes a free ‘Aquarium Workshop’
book and two special educationals on two diverse groups of marine
animals - mammals and fish. 10am to 2.30pm, 23 & 26 March. Bookings.
Sunset Safari An opportunity
to encounter Sea World and it inhabitants as you have never seen
them before, at night on a guided tour. 6.30 to 8.30pm, 22 &
24 March. For all ages. Bookings.
Contact: Megan
Bradshaw 07 55882209
Coast / Mooloolaba
Seaweek Festival 19th
20th & 21st March
Twilight Parade, Official Launch
& Schools Presentations, Fireworks Spectacular, 6 to
8.30pm, 19th.
Early Bird Activities Breakfast
on the Beach, Fun Run, 7 to 9am, 20th.
Beach Activities Ocean Swim,
Toddlers Toddle, Boat Safety, Rockpool Ramble, Beach Volleyball,
Surf, Canoe & Kayak Workshops, Environmental Displays. 8am to
12 noon, 20th.
Lunch Entertainment Sausage
sizzle, Sponsors Challenge, Art Exhibition, Childrens’s Marine Concert,
Mural and Music Making, King Nepture & Princess Marina. 11am
to 2pm, 20th.
Street Art Activities, Buskers,
Pavement Art Competition, Face painting, Art Awards, 12 noon to
3pm, 20th.
UnderWater World Deep Sea Masquerade
Ball, 7pm, 20th.
Jazz on the Beach, Undersea Pineapple
Hunt, Mooloolaba Beach, 9am to 12 noon, 21st.
For all Seaweek Festival information
Contact: Kevin
Tanner 07 5444 8488 or email
Arts Competition For Primary
Schools, stencil colouring and own composition, Seaweek theme.
Entries displayed at Whitsunday and Proserpine, Judging by Whitsunday
Art Group.
Contact: Del
Williams, Environment Department 07 4946 7022
Photograph Competition For High
School and General Community, Seaweek Theme. Entries displayed in
Culture Centre.
Contact: Whitsunday
Integrated Catchment Management 07 4945 1844
Tree Planting Breakfast 108 Greencamp
Road, Lota, for all, 8am, 21 March.
Contact: Ian
Curtis 07 3348 4476
Jewels of the Sea – Adopt a Wetland,
local schools environmental education programme, supporting
the MESA Arts Project, 22 March to 18 June.
Contact: Diana
Patchett 07 3893 2332 or
North Queensland Science Education Centre
are conducting Oceans program for Primary Schools.
Newspaper articles in the Townsville
Launch of new puppet show 'Lucky finds
the Sunken Haven' at the Great Barrier Reef Aquarium.
Contact: Barry
Duncan 07 4750 0890
Teacher Workshops for Rockhampton
District Schools with Waterwatch Coordinator, Fitzroy Basin Association
and Coastcare Coordinator, Central Coast. Water testing, catchment management/ocean
and curriculum focus. Glenmore Primary School, 23 March.
Learnscaping/Arts Project School students
painting concrete turtles in sand play area of school ground. Talks by
Coastcare Coordinator with about 100 local school children about local
Turtles. 24 March.
Contact: Gary
Holmes 07 4928 3153
To find out what events have been
organised in your part of the country, click on your state or territory.
For more information on any of the
Seaweek activities, please contact the Coast Action / Coastcare
Facilitator at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment
on 5561 9955 or 0418 529 014.
design and construction by Peter
Last updated Oct 2000
MESA 1999 - 2000