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Seaweek 2013: Sustainable Seas

Education for Sustainability

In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) created the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), spanning from 2005 to 2014, and designated UNESCO to lead the Decade. ESD challenges everyone to adopt new practices and behaviours and to ensure a sustainable future. The core value of ESD is respect: respect for others and respect for the planet and what it provides us with.

In regards to the education sector, the DESD promotes:

  • Interdisciplinary and holistic learning rather than subject-based learning.

  • Values-based learning.

  • Critical thinking rather than memorizing.

  • Multi-method approaches: word, art, drama, debate, etc.

  • Participatory decision-making.

  • Locally relevant information, rather than national.

Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. We must learn our way out of current environmental, economical and social problems and learn to live sustainably. This vision encompasses populations, flora and fauna, ecosystems and natural resources and integrates issues such as poverty, gender equality, human rights, education for all, health, human security and intercultural dialogue.

Education for sustainable development helps people to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to make informed decisions for the benefit of themselves and others, now and in the future, and to act upon these decisions. It encourages an interdisciplinary, holistic approach to teaching and learning addressing all four pillars of sustainable development (society, environment, economy and culture) (

Learning about the sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef has never been more relevant and important!




Sustainability Activity Ideas

Tuning In

What do we already know?

KWL (Know, Want to know, Learning). Create a KWL poster for the classroom to discuss and record thoughts throughout the program. Keep adding information as students ask more questions and discover new things.

Sustainability Ideas for the Great Barrier Reef


What do we know already about looking after the Great Barrier Reef?

Want to Know

How can we look after the Great Barrier Reef? What are threats to the Reef? What can we do about it?


Where will we find more information about looking after the Great Barrier Reef?

Questions to ask students:

  • How big is the Great Barrier Reef?

  • How old is the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What types of animals and plants live on the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What are the critical issues for the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What does sustainability mean to you?

  • What is resilience?

  • What is climate change affecting the Great Barrier Reef?

  • How does declining water quality affect the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What are the major threats to the sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What positive and negative impacts does tourism have on the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What positive and negative impacts do fisheries have on the Great Barrier Reef?

  • How can coastal developments affect the sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef?

  • What actions can you do at home and at school to help create a more sustainable future for the Great Barrier Reef?

Preparing to Find Out:

Use the following websites and online resources to find out more information about the Great Barrier Reef and sustainability:

Read the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report:

Ask students to read the Outlook Report in Brief - Information Sheets. Ask students to pick out the main points or ‘buzz words’ from each page then write out a short summary of the main issues facing the Great Barrier Reef:

Use the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s reef education website:

Next: Finding Out




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