Preparing to Find Out:
Use the following websites and online resources to find out more information about the Great Barrier Reef and sustainability:
Read the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report:
Ask students to read the Outlook Report in Brief - Information Sheets. Ask students to pick out the main points or ‘buzz words’ from each page then write out a short summary of the main issues facing the Great Barrier Reef:
Use the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s reef education website:
The “GBR Explorer” is like an online encyclopaedia about the Great Barrier Reef:
Use images and watch movies about the Great Barrier Reef at:
Complete the Reef Beat – Sustainability Program at:
Discover the inquiry-based activities using Web Quest at:
Use the following websites to discover more information about Education for Sustainability:
Read the UNESCO Tomorrow Today ‘Learning to Build a Sustainable Future” book
Search the local papers and media for information about risks, threats and issues affecting the Great Barrier Reef.
Finding Out:
Visit the Reef HQ Great Barrier Reef Aquarium or another aquarium that has Great Barrier Reef creatures displayed. Encourage students to develop a list of questions they want answered about sustainability and the Great Barrier Reef.
Unable to visit an aquarium? How about a live underwater Reef Videoconference? Interact live with a Marine Biologist in the world’s largest living coral reef aquarium:
Activity: The Zoning Game
Research the zoning of the Great Barrier Reef at:

Create a game that teaches students how to use the above Activities Guide. For example, pretend the floor is the reef and place different coloured paper to represent the different coloured zones. Ask the students to be fishermen for the day choosing a type of fishing activity and then different areas of the reef to fish. As the students go to different zones ask them to check if their type of fishing is allowed there.
Ask the students to evaluate:
Why is the Great Barrier Reef zoned
How does it ensure sustainability?
How does it separate potentially conflicting activities?
Next: Sorting Out |