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Seaweek 2011: Spotlight on Marine Science

Marine Science Matters! - a unit for primary schools




REFLECTION: Sample Activities

Ask students to complete a self-assessment and reflection activity using the following questions:

  • What is the most important thing I have learned?
  • Share one fact you think is true about marine scientists.
  • Share one question you have about marine organisms.
  • How do you feel about marine pollution?
  • What is a nudibranch?
  • What are some of the areas marine scientists’ research?

TOP ...   


List five effects of humans on the marine environment.

Describe five actions I have taken this week to make a difference.

Describe five actions I will take to make a difference in the future.

Three things I know now that I didn’t know before.

What is the most important message about marine science?

What have I learned about myself and how I might treat our marine and coastal environments?

What would I still like to find out about our marine environments?

What piece of work am I most satisfied with? Why?

NEXT: References including websites ...   



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