Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.
Investigates details of objects, places and spaces and other living things (e.g. windows and doorways in old
or new buildings, the shapes of shadows, patterns of shells, animals kept in captivity or in the wild).
Tropical fish wall paper
1. Show children pictures of different types of tropical fish.
2. Children then generate an artwork comprised of multicoloured tropical fish on a blue background by:
- using water colour to create a blue wash background,
- drawing fish outlines and body markings with black crayon,
- using bright coloured crayons to colour in the fish.
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Note: The example shown below is a digital artwork with a repeating fish pattern. Encourage the children to
draw different types of fish to convey that there are lots of different types of tropical fish that can be found in
warmer areas of our oceans.