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Seaweek 2011: Spotlight on Marine Science

Marine Scientist Profile:

Who am I?
Hugh Kirkman

I work for and my work / research involves:
Private consultant. Involved with marine environmental consulting in Australia and SE Asia.

How does my work relate to marine conservation?
All my work has to do with marine conservation. I have developed a Strategic Plan for the International Oceanic Commission, a Transboundary Marine Spatial Management Plan for Asia and Pacific Economic Commission, a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Bay of Bengal for FAO of UN for corals, seagrass and mangroves.

I worked on the second, successful Port of Melbourne dredging Environmental Impact Assessment. I am on the Scientific Working Group for MPAs in South Australia

Things I like about my job:
Working in a marine environment. Being able to give sound scientific advise for conservation purposes. Seeing useful outcomes from my work. Meeting and keeping in contact with colleagues in similar positions throughout the world.

What inspired you to consider a career in marine science?
My inspiration was to get out of my first career and work outdoors.

Do you have a favourite marine creature (if so why)?
Seagrass is my favourite marine organism. I have spent 30 years learning about seagrass and its ecology. It has so many different uses and inhabitants and is so different between genera.



Hugh Kirkman

Hugh studying seagrass on Kangaroo Island



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