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Seaweek 2011: Spotlight on Marine Science

Marine Scientist Profile:

Who am I?
My name is Olaf Meynecke and I am a Marine Ecologist which means I study the function of the ocean and its organisms.

I work for and my work / research involves:
I work for Griffith University ( as a Research Fellow. My work includes the tracking of marine organisms like fish, mud crabs and even whales.

How does my work relate to marine conservation?
The studies that I am doing provide answers for the management of natural resources like fish. With that knowledge we can make sure that we still have fish in a few decades.

Things I like about my job:
I like the freedom to do what I want without some one watching me closely and I enjoy being creative and developing new survey techniques. I also like the adventure of going in and on the water not knowing what we might find. I don’t like having to do many projects at the same time and having to write reports. Writing grants and spending most of the time at the PC is also something I dislike about my job.

What inspired you to consider a career in marine science?
I used to go fishing with my Dad as a kid and also had an aquarium at home. I kept watching the fish in my aquarium and felt that fish are much better friends than food. And what else could be better than spending time with your friends?

Do you have a favourite marine creature (if so why)?
There are so many that I really like from nudibranchs to whales. If I would have to pick only one out of the million ocean creatures, I would say that the white-spotted eagle ray is my favourite ocean dweller.



Olaf researching Bull sharks on the Gold Coast

Olaf preparing to tag fish in the mangroves



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