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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore

Ocean Ecology
Year Level: 7-9

Taking Action: Sample Activities

Act on the information
Encourage students to start acting for the future now by doing things to manage their environment to ensure a sustainable future for our oceans.

Some appropriate forms of action could include:

  • Communicating the conclusions of their investigations to other classes, community members, members of relevant organisations or politicians;
  • Mounting displays in prominent community settings such as public libraries; and
  • Taking economic action by purchasing sustainable seafood, goods and services that have the least impact on the natural environment.

Get Involved
Contact your Local Council’s Environment Section and find out what environmental agencies are active in your local community- such as Waterwatch, Saltwatch, Coastwatch, or Seagrass Watch. Make contact with these organisations and find out what types of activities they undertake and how your class could become actively involved.

There are also national and international organisations with which your class could become involved, such as G.L.O.B.E (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment).

Surf the following sites to find out more:

Encourage students to start acting for the future now by doing things to manage their environment to ensure a sustainable future for our oceans.


Begon, M. Harper, J. and Townsend, C. ECOLOGY Individuals, Populations and Communities Second Edition. Victoria; Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1990.
Roberts, M. Reiss, M. and Monger, G. BIOLOGY Principals and Processes. Victoria; Thomas Nelson Australia, 1993.
Webber, H. & Thurman, H. Marine Biology Second Edition. United States of America; Harper Collins Publishers Inc, 1991.



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