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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore

Oceans Marine Art and Issues Primary School Art Challenge
Seaweek 2010


Years K-2
Hand drawn sketch, painting or Digital Artwork (A4 page) of any form of ocean life or ocean scene.
Judging criteria
- recognisability of living things and objects,
- visual and artistic appeal.

Years 3-4
Hand drawn sketch, painting, collage, mixed media or Digital Artwork based on 2010 the Year of Biodiversity - Australia’s oceans support rich biodiversity.
Judging criteria
- realistic portrayal of individual or groups of marine organisms,
- representation of biodiversity of ocean life and or ocean habitats,
- visual and artistic appeal.

Years 5-6
Poster (A3 page)
Make an artistic poster based on the Seaweek 10 theme ‘Oceans of Life – ours to explore and conserve’ to inspire and inform others about the significance and value of our marine and coastal environment.
Judging criteria
- realistic or creative celebration of or warning about human interaction with our oceans,
- communication of key issues,
- visual and artistic appeal.

Winner and runner up in each age category will receive a certificate, book and art material prize. Winning entries will be published on the MESA website.

Chris Preston, NSW MESA council member
Guest judge reknown Marine Biologist and Artist Amanda Reichelt-Brushett

Entry details
Scan your artwork or take a digital photo and save the image to the following specifications:
- image size 1 Mb limit)
- email your entry to Christine Preston ( include school name, entrants name and email contact details

Closing date
5pm Sunday 7th March 2010.

Rules of competition
Art work must be original material created by the person making the entry
Limit – 3 entries per school for each age category – schools should pre select entries.



Some of guest judge Amanda
Reichelt-Brushett's work



Marine and Atmospheric Research


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