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Seaweek 2010: Oceans of Life - ours to explore; ours to restore


Reef Check

• Reef Check is an international not-for-profit organisation, which monitors the health of coral reefs in over 90 countries around the world. Reef Check was set up by coral reef researchers following a meeting in 1993 when the global coral reef crisis was first discussed.

• Reef Check is now the United Nations official community coral reef monitoring program.

Reef Check goals are:

  • to educate the public about the value of reef ecosystems and the current crisis affecting marine life;
  • to create a global network of volunteer teams trained in Reef Check's scientific methods who regularly monitor and report on reef health;
  • to facilitate collaboration that produces ecologically sound and economically sustainable solutions; and
  • to stimulate local community action to protect remaining pristine reefs and rehabilitate damaged reefs worldwide.

Reef Check Australia

• Reef Check Australia is a part of this global network of volunteers which regularly monitors and report on reef health.

• Australia is home to the world’s most extensive and pristine coral reefs. Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s greatest icons, yet beautiful and biodiverse coral reefs are also found in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and the Cocos Keeling Islands.

• Coral reefs around the world are under enormous pressure from human activities and climate change. Although Australia’s reefs are among the best managed in the world, they are not immune to these threats. Reef Check offers a way for the public to help look after our coral reefs.

• Reef Check Australia is the only organisation in Australia actively involving the community in collecting data on the health of our coral reefs.

What do we do?

• Reef Check Australia has three main aims; to educate the public about coral reefs and the threats they are facing; to monitor and research the reefs; and to use the information collected to help conserve these coral reefs.

• Reef Check Australia involves the public in coral reef conservation. Our volunteers are recreational scuba divers and snorkelers who monitor the health of reefs around Australia and the Indo-Pacific.

• Reef Check Australia partners with leading marine research organisations and universities, as well as various tourism and dive operators, governmental bodies and local businesses. Volunteers travel from around the world to get involved in Reef Check Australia’s activities and surveys.

• Our globally-accredited training program provides our volunteers with the tools to gather high quality data that are useful to coral reef managers.

• Reef Check Australia aim to educate the public about the value of coral reefs and the crisis facing the world’s reefs. The information we collect is used by community groups, governments, universities and businesses to design and implement ecologically sound and economically sustainable coral reef management.

• Our projects stimulate local action to protect remaining pristine reefs and rehabilitate damaged reefs worldwide.

Further Links:

• Reef Check Australia (Home):

• Reef Check Foundation (Home):






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