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Seaweek 2008 Live webcasts

Please note that the two webcasts scheduled for Tuesday 4th March have been postponed and will now be a special feature for World Environment Day - June 5th.


From the Gulf to Las Vegas
Presenter : Lyle Squires Jnr, Cairns Marine Aquarium

Cairns Marine has collected juvenile sawfish under permit from tidal waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria since 1998. Find out how sawfish get from the Gulf to the United States.

Getting to the POINT with sawfish
Presenter : Stirling Peverell, Fisheries Biologist
Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries

An overview of sawfish biology and ecology from one of Australia's leading researchers.
26 positions available

Friday 7th March
11:00am - 12:00pm EDST
Grey Nurse Sharks - On the Brink
Andrew Vance (MESA Vic) and Melbourne Aquarium Education Officers

This will include a 20 minute diver talk that will allow students to ask questions online.
30 positions available

Getting to the POINT with sawfish
Presenter : Stirling Peverell, Fisheries Biologist
Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries

An overview of sawfish biology and ecology from one of Australia's leading researchers.

From the Gulf to Las Vegas
Presenter : Lyle Squires Jnr, Cairns Marine Aquarium

Cairns Marine has collected juvenile sawfish under permit from tidal waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria since 1998. Find out how sawfish get from the Gulf to the United States.

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