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Fishing with the Footprint Family - Board game

More than 4.5 million Australians go fishing at some time each year. It was that time of year again, the Footprint family were planning their annual fishing holiday to the coast. There was a lot to organise and, from past experience, they knew they would need to consider very carefully what equipment to pack.

They also searched the Internet and found a local Bait and Tackle shop which they decided they would visit when they arrived at their coastal destination. Chris and Keera, the Footprint kids, were very excited when they were told they were to have a deep sea fishing trip as well as a visit to the prawn boat marina.

The Footprint Family - George, Chris, Shirley and Keera

Chris and Keera are keen fishers

They all loved boats and fishing. This holiday was going to teach them lots of extra information about looking after their environment which was going to be most helpful when presenting their family holiday project back at school.

Join the Footprints on their annual fishing holiday and learn lots about Marine Bycatch.

You need to have read the online facts sheets as background to this game.

Game instructions ...


Thanks to the Australian Maritime College and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) for sponsoring the development and production of this board game.

Funding for this project has been provided by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust.
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