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  Seaweek 2007: Marine Bycatch Matters - MESA    
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Online teaching units

Online teaching units have been developed for the following topics relating to bycatch. The teaching units are free to download. Information sheets are also available to support the teaching units.

Discover bycatch – for Prep to Year 3

This unit introduces young students to the fisheries issue of bycatch – “when fishers target particular species that they want to catch, they also catch other species accidentally, these species are called bycatch”. Students will obtain an understanding of the types of bycatch, such as marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles and sharks. Further to this they will become familiar with where their seafood comes from, fishing methods and the human components of bycatch.   [ download .. ]

Explore bycatch and technologies to reduce it – for Years 4 to 7

This unit introduces students to the issue of bycatch in fisheries – “when fishers target particular species that they want to catch, they also catch other species accidentally. These species are called bycatch”. Students will also learn about the groups involved with the use, management and development of bycatch reduction devices. In examining bycatch, students can also be given a preliminary introduction to fisheries, including the contributions fisheries make (food, economic, cultural, recreational), the issues they are trying to manage (such as overfishing, habitat impacts) and advancements in fisheries technologies.   [ download .. ]

Bycatch rescue – for Years 8 to 10

In this unit, students will investigate the bycatch of marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles and some sharks and study ways in which individuals, communities, industry and Governments can protect, manage and conserve these bycatch species.

In Australia, by working together, fishers, makers of fishing gear, researchers, government and non-government organisations have introduced fishing technologies and innovations, including changes to fishing gear and practices that have reduced bycatch. Students will gain an understanding of fishing practices and how the behaviour of the bycatch species can be combined to develop solutions in trying to reduce bycatch of species. Groups of students determine their own area of inquiry based on issues and interests.   [ download .. ]

Managing bycatch in fisheries – for Years 11 to 12

During the course of this unit students will gain an appreciation for, and understanding of fishing and specifically, the processes that affect bycatch in fisheries, how solutions to reduce bycatch can be developed and the resulting changes that can occur through sustainable fisheries management. Students will be empowered to understand the need for sustainable management practices and the complexity of developing solutions to issues such as bycatch, and also to take actions to promote best environmental practices.

This unit will also encourage students to assess the short-term and long-term implications for people and the environment and provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge of, and an appreciation for, the complexities of natural resource management and empower them to propose solutions and evaluate management decisions.   [ download .. ]


Funding for this project has been provided by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust.
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