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  Seaweek 2007: Marine Bycatch Matters - MESA    
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Live Webcasts

The most exciting events happening during Seaweek 2007 are some live webcasts for schools, where students can talk with marine science experts! These broadcasts will include a variety of interactive tools used for long-distance learning — so any Australian school, anywhere can join in.

Webcast title and presenter Time    
Working with fishers to develop solutions to reduce bycatch - presentation by Kate Milner the SeaNet Extension Officer for Victoria Monday 5th
EDST 11.30 am
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Turtles and Pelicans are highly vulnerable to influence from humans and learn how our individual actions can help reduce this impact - presentation by Lance Ferris, “The Pelican Man” Session cancelled
The wonders of marine turtles and how fishers work to prevent their bycatch - presentation by Dr Col Limpus (Queensland Environment Protection Agency) Thursday 8th
EDST 12.30 pm
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Funding for this project has been provided by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust.
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