Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"i solimy swear that i will only use the half flush button on the toliet unless "
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"o I will only use as much water as i really need.
o I will switch off all lights when i leave the room or do not need light at that moment.
o Recycle all paper, plastic and glass.
o Compost all food scraps
o Switch off the TV when not watching
o Plant trees
o Let all washing dry outside on the washing line
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"I shall endevour to persecute those who would destroy the environment"
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"i promise i will tunr off lights"
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"i will turn off the lights when i leave the room yepp i will i promise. "
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"-use only water as i need it
-turn lights off in rooms when i am not using them
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 23-6-2006
"I will put litter in the bin and turn off the tap when brushing my teeth."
-- QLD, Australia
Pledge made on 10-3-2006
"- Never harm the reef - no touching/standing
- love the reef/respect the reef
- dont litter in the ocean/beach
- dont anchor near the reef
- pick up rubbish
- never pollute reef
- don't kill marine life
- do not over fish - take legal size fish"
-- QLD, Australia